首頁 > 最新 > 張韶涵現身超市,細節讓網友大感心酸!


近日,網傳張韶涵將加盟最新一季《我是歌手》,喜歡張韶涵的歌迷都按耐不住興奮,覺得如果她參加的話肯定會迎來歌唱事業第二春,畢竟她的嗓音、唱功都是一流。可惜,又有網友爆料,張韶涵被一個老牌歌手頂替,成了炮灰。(Recently, network transmission Angela Chang will join the new season of "I love Angela Chang" is a singer, the fans are excited mood.according, think if she took it certainly will usher in the spring of second singing career, after all, her voice singing is first-rate. Unfortunately, there are friends broke the news, Angela Chang was a veteran singer for the cannon fodder.)


前不久,34歲的張韶涵穿著很休閑地去逛了超市,長發散落,依舊是那麼瘦小的身材,其中一個細節讓網友大呼心酸!(Not long ago, the 34 year old Angela Chang wearing a leisure shopping in the supermarket, hair loose, is still thin build, one detail let users call!)


要知道,當年的張韶涵風風火火,有一雙大大的電眼,笑起來會說話一點都不過分,小小的身子有著大大的爆發力,聲音極具爆發性的穿透力,讓人震撼。小編上高中的時候,MP3裝滿了她的歌曲,不誇張,她所有的歌小編都下載了,像那個隱形的翅膀、遺失的美好 、歐若拉、不想懂得 、親愛的那不是愛情 、寓言、香水百合、看的最遠的地方、喜歡你沒道理等歌特別愛聽,去唱K也會必點她的歌。那時候,一般那些文具店、買碟片的店、初中高中學校下午放學時播音室都會放她的歌。(You know, when Angela Chang has a pair of big rash and too much in haste, electric eye, laughing talking a bit too much, a small body with large explosive, explosive sound penetration, shocking. When the small high school, MP3 filled her songs, not exaggerated, all her songs are small download, like the invisible wings, lost, Aurora, don"t want to know, dear, that is not love fable, lilies, see the farthest place, love you no reason to sing the song, especially to hear, K will have some of her songs. At that time, the general stationery shop, buy a CD store, junior high school school in the afternoon when the studio will be placed in her song.)


還出演了偶像劇《海豚灣戀人》《公主小妹》,收視率更是不俗,原本星途一片美好,最惋惜的是攤上了一個貪財的媽,生性好賭,為了要更多錢卻與女兒反目,甚至詆毀張韶涵嗑藥,鬧到了法庭,母女決裂,如果沒有這碼事,張韶涵將會成為穩穩妥妥的天后啊!如今張韶涵形單影隻,逛超市都是一個人,當真讓人心酸!(Also starred in the drama "lovers" Puerto Galera "Romantic Princess", the ratings are good, originally a beautiful star, the most regret is assigned a greedy mother, is gambling, in order to have more money with her enemies, even discredit Angela Chang druging, referred to the court, and the break, if there is no such thing, Angela Chang will be safely after ah! Angela Chang is now extremely lonely, the supermarket is a person, really sad!)


網友心疼直言:被媽坑的最慘的一位,想當年也是准天后一級的。更多留言看截圖。(Users love dearly: the mother of the pit of the worst one, I think it is also a quasi day after the first. See more screenshots.)


那麼優秀的她,好想她快點復出,讓更多人的人看到她的魅力~(So good, she wants to come back, let more people see her charm ~!)


網友們,你們怎麼看?(Net friends, how do you see?)



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