首頁 > 佛學 > 想辦素食婚宴卻因緣不具足,怎麼辦?






Q: I』d like to hold a vegetarian wedding feast, however, it』s not possible because of the karma of our family and friends. I』m very annoyed. What should I do?

A: Nowadays in Han Region, the killing is particularly serious when holding wedding or funeral, which is a very serious sin. However, there is certain difficulty to change to vegetarian totally now. It』s good if people can have vegetarian food someday, but currently, the cause and condition is not mature and there are some difficulties, thus we can do nothing for them.

But I think the cause and condition will mature soon. As ten years ago when I just arrived in Han Region, only a little people believed in or learned Buddhism, and some buddhists studied secretly. By that time, I thought Buddhism would be widely spread and there would be a lot of people believing in and learning Buddhism in the future. This is because the four famous Buddhism mountains are all located in Han Region, and the whole history cannot be separated from Buddhism. At that time, there are monasteries in tourist resorts. The Buddhists told a lot of Buddhism stories and talked about some truths during introduction. These had made some influences, the number of people who believe in and study Buddhism would be more and more. This was my thought about ten years ago, I thought about it by that time. Nowadays, in Han Region, there are more and more people who believe in Buddhism and learn Buddhism. In Han Region, Buddhism is really widely spread. If it keeps developing in this way, the good wish will become true in near future. This is for sure.

While the cause and condition is not mature now, we cannot be too persistent on it, nor can we feel annoyed from it. 「Buddha salvages the one who has karmic connection with him」, we should help all sentient beings by our efforts as we can, but it also depends on cause and condition. If it』s not the time, it』s also an obstacle as well as a fault if you cling on it. Therefore, don』t feel annoyed, take it easy, it will come true one day.



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