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Your robot teacher of the future

Will your job be done by a robot in the future? Bank of England economists predict that almost half of all UK jobs are under threat of automation. Those most at risk involve repetitive manual labour, such as factory positions. But could even the venerable profession of teaching soon have to compete against powerful electronic educators?

At first glance, teaching might seem impervious to replacement by robots. Teachers use a range of soft skills that machines find hard to replicate. They gauge pupils" needs and tailor feedback accordingly. They adapt materials to make them more engaging and effective. And they provide pastoral care: looking out for students who lag behind or disrupt the class.

Nonetheless, some believe the future of education will be technological. In an interview with Business Insider magazine, futurist Thomas Frey predicts that "by 2030 the largest company on the internet is going to be an education-based company that we haven"t heard of yet."

He thinks that "bots" – online robot teachers – will make education so efficient that students will be able to compress an entire undergraduate degree into six months of learning. A bot learns what your "idiosyncrasies" "interests" and "reference points" are, "and it figures out how to teach you in a faster and faster way over time," according to Frey.

Whether or not such incredible speeds will be reached, over the last decade there has been a huge increase in online learning platforms. Companies such as Udemy and Khan Academy produce courses that allow millions to learn at home for free, at their own pace. But there are limitations. Without the face-to-face stimulation of a classroom environment, the overwhelming majority of students fail to complete online courses. How to sustain motivation to learn is one more skill that online teachers will need to master.

Indeed, Frey admits there is some way to go: "Nobody has quite cracked the code for the future of education." What do teachers themselves think about this? Professor Donald Clark from Derby University in the UK thinks that we should embrace change, even though people will lose their jobs.

"Artificial intelligence will destroy jobs - so why not use it for a social good such as learning?" he asked.







無論機器人能否達到如此驚人的速度,在過去的十年里,網上教學平台已經做了巨大的改進。Udemy、Khan Academy等公司已經上線了一些課程,數百萬人可以按照自己的進度在家免費學習該課程。但這種教學也存在局限性。沒有面對面的課堂環境刺激,絕大多數學生沒能學完在線課程。如何讓學生保持學習動機是在線教師需要掌握的一項技能。




1.impervious 不受影響的

例句:She seems almost impervious to the criticism from all sides.


2.gauge 判斷

例句:His mood can be gauged by his reaction to the most trivial of incidents.


3.compress 壓縮 縮短

例句:The four debates will be compressed into an eight-day period.


4.idiosyncrasy 習性 癖好

例句:Everyone has a few little idiosyncrasies.




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