首頁 > 最新 > 第76屆雨果獎得主N.K.傑米欣:每個人都值得擁有未來






This has been a hard year, hasn』t it? A hard few years. A hard century. For some of us, things have always been hard. I wrote the Broken Earth trilogy to speak to that struggle, and what it takes just to live, let alone thrive, in a world that seems determined to break you. A world of people who constantly question your competence, your relevance, your very existence.


▲ N.K.傑米欣《破碎星球》三部曲

I get a lot of questions about where the themes of the Broken Earth trilogy come from. I think it』s pretty obvious that I』m drawing on the human history of structural oppression, as well as my feelings about this moment in American history. What may be less obvious, though, is how much of the story derives from my feelings about science fiction and fantasy. Then again, SFF is a microcosm of the wider world, in no way rarefied from the world』s pettiness or prejudice.


But another thing I tried to touch on in the Broken Earth is that life in a hard world is never just the struggle. Life is family, blood and bound. Life is those allies who prove themselves worthy by actions and not just talk. Life means celebrating every victory, no matter how small.


So as I stand here before you, beneath these lights, I want you to remember that 2018 is also a good year. This is a year in which records have been set. A year in which even the most privilege-blindered of us has been forced to acknowledge that the world is broken and needs fixing—and that』s a good thing!


▲ 2018年雨果獎頒獎典禮合影 攝影:西夏

Acknowledging the problem is the first step toward fixing it. I look to science fiction and fantasy as the aspirational drive of the Zeitgeist: we creators are the engineers of possibility. And as this genre finally, however grudgingly, acknowledges that the dreams of the marginalized matter and that all of us have a future, so will go the world. (Soon, I hope.)


And yes, there will be naysayers. I know that I am here on this stage, accepting this award, for pretty much the same reason as every previous Best Novel winner: because I worked my ass off. I have poured my pain onto paper when I could not afford therapy. I have studied works of literature that range widely and dig deeply, to learn what I could and refine my voice. I have written a Million Words of Crap and probably a Million More of Meh.


But beyond that, I have smiled and nodded while well-meaning magazine editors advised me to tone down my allegories and anger. (I didn』t.) I have gritted my teeth while an established professional writer went on a ten-minute tirade at me—as a proxy for basically all black people—for mentioning underrepresentation in the sciences. I have kept writing even though my first novel, The Killing Moon, was initially rejected on the assumption that only black people would ever possibly want to read the work of a blackwriter. I have raised my voice to talk back over fellow panelists who tried to talk over me about my own damn life. I have fought myself, and the little voice inside me that constantly, still, whispers that I should just keep my head down and shut up and let the real writers talk.

儘管如此,當那些好心的雜誌編輯建議我少一點諷刺、少一點憤怒時,我還是微笑著表示接受意見(其實我根本沒聽他們的)。有一位知名的職業作家曾經對我抨擊了整整十分鐘,把我當作是全體黑人的代表,就因為我提到黑人在科學界里的代表人物過少!從那一刻起,我就下定了決心。我的第一篇小說The Killing Moon一開始被人家拒絕,拒絕的理由是:只有黑人才會對黑人作家的作品感興趣。即使如此,我還是一直堅持寫作。在一些專題討論會上,有嘉賓想要大談他媽的我自己的生活,我就大聲地懟回去。我也跟自己作鬥爭,我內心深處那個微小的聲音也一直在低語,告訴我要低頭、要閉嘴,要讓那些「真正」的作家發言。

▲ N.K.傑米欣在本屆雨果獎頒獎典禮的女王風範:「今天我終於可以帶著微笑,用這個火箭形狀的閃閃發光的獎盃,沖他們高高豎起中指。」 攝影:西夏

But this is the year in which I get to smile at all of those naysayers—every single mediocre insecure wanna be who fixes their mouth to suggest that I do not belong on this stage, that people like me cannot possibly have earned such an honor, that when they win it it』s meritocracy but when we win it it』s 「identity politics」 — I get to smile at those people, and lift a massive, shining, rocket-shaped middle finger in their direction.


How many ofy』all saw Black Panther? Probably my favorite part of it is actually Kendrick Lamar』s theme song, 「All the Stars.」 The chorus of it is 「This may be the night that my dreams might let me know: all the stars are closer.」 Let 2018 be the year that the stars came closer for all of us. The stars are ours. Thank you.

你們中有多少人看過電影《黑豹》?我最喜歡的就是Kendrick Lamar演唱的主題曲「All theStars」。裡面的有一段「也許是這個夜晚,我的夢境讓我知道,滿天繁星向我越靠越近」。就讓2018年成為這樣一年,滿天繁星向我們所有人越靠越近。那是屬於我們的繁星。謝謝。


(原標題:每個人都值得擁有未來 ——第76屆雨果獎得主N.K.傑米欣獲獎感言)



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