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即將現身「英國羅斯柴爾德」「 精品錢幣一組」

原標題:即將現身「英國羅斯柴爾德」「 精品錢幣一組」


Referring to the founding of the Republic of China commemorative coins, for those who are keen on collecting coins, Sun Yat-sen"s portrait of the founding of the Republic of China commemorative coins brings surprise and excitement. In order to let you know more about this coin, the following is a detailed introduction to this precious coin.

此為開國紀念幣上六星 重量: 26.7g辛亥革命勝利後,1912年1月3日,中華民國政府成立,為了儘快恢復社會經濟,當時的民國政府總統孫中山同意鑄造紀念幣,開國紀念幣圖案選用了大總統孫中山肖像,確定花紋式樣。隨後,全國各地等造幣廠依式鑄造,中華民國開國紀念幣孫中山大頭幣從此走向了貨幣歷史的舞台。

In order to restore the social economy as soon as possible, Sun Yat-sen, then President of the Republic of China, agreed to make commemorative coins. The design of the commemorative coin used the portrait of President Sun Yat-sen to determine the pattern. Subsequently, mints all over the country and other coinage in accordance with the pattern of casting, the founding of the Republic of China commemorative coin Sun Yat-sen coin has since moved to the stage of currency history.


From a historical point of view, the commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China has a strong historical atmosphere, is a valuable collection of revolutionary relics, in the history of coins has a far-reaching commemorative significance. From an archaeological point of view, the founding commemorative coins recorded the long and earth-shaking revolutionary history of the 1911 Revolution, witnessed the struggle of numerous revolutionary martyrs, and the boutiques of modern Chinese coins; from the collection point of view, as time went on, the market stock of the founding commemorative coins became scarcer and scarcer, and the good ones were even better. Extremely rare, became the coin market "old rare" collection. 近幾年,銀元價格持續飆升,一方面除了收藏市場實力的越來越強大,大買家的介入讓開國紀念幣的市場價格節節攀升;另一方面是銀元市場老銀元越來越受到關注和追捧,因此, 孫中山像中華民國開國紀念幣有一些稀有幣種價格突破百萬,成為了人人青睞的重點對象。普通幣收藏也不放過,從幾百到一千的也有。因為是開國紀念幣,更具有收藏紀念價格和意義。如果你有幸擁有,細心保存,細細品味這一段令人難忘的歷史。

In recent years, the price of silver dollar has been soaring. On the one hand, in addition to the growing strength of the collection market, the market price of the founding commemorative coins has risen steadily with the intervention of big buyers. On the other hand, the old silver dollar in the silver dollar market has attracted more and more attention and admiration. Therefore, Sun Yat-sen has some rare coins like the founding commemorative coins of the Republic of China. Price breakthrough million, has become the focus of everyone"s favorite object. The collection of ordinary coins is not allowed, from hundreds to one thousand. Because it is a founding commemorative coin, and has a collection of commemorative prices and meanings. If you are lucky enough to have it, carefully preserve it and savor this memorable history.


On the 149th anniversary of Sun Yat-sen"s birthday, people all over the country spontaneously commemorate the memory of his father in various forms. At the same time, on November 8, 2015, the 13th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th National Committee of the CPPCC passed: Sun Yat-sen, a great national hero, a great patriot and a great pioneer of China"s democratic revolution, was on November 12, 2016. Mr."s 150th anniversary birthday. At the same time, Sun Zhongshan"s founding commemorative coin has also become the focus of the attention of the collectors again.

此中華民國十年造袁大頭 重約26.9g。整幣包漿渾厚,字體圖案清晰,流暢自然,有自然美之稱,又有歷史陳跡的美觀,經過歲月流通,齒距整體規劃統一,聽聲音發出純真、婉轉動聽的聲音,品相完好。此幣正面為袁世凱 五分側面像,上列「中華民國十年造」七字,其袁像色澤光鮮自然,紋飾深淺適度,邊緣線條粗細均勻,間距也疏密一致。人像、髮絲、鬍鬚、等細微之處清晰有度,生動自然。

In the ten years of the Republic of China, the Yuan made a big head of about 26.9g. The whole coin is thick, clear, smooth and natural, with natural beauty, and the beauty of history. After years of circulation, the overall planning of the distance between teeth is unified, and the sound of listening to pure, gentle rotation sounds, the quality is perfect. The front side of the coin is a five-point profile of Yuan Shikai, with the seven characters "made in the ten years of the Republic of China" listed above. Its Yuan image is bright and natural in color, moderately decorated in depth, with uniform thickness and spacing at the edges. Portrait, hair, beard, and other nuances are clear, vivid and natural.


Look at the back of the coin: two Jiahe, left and right interaction, the lower tie band, cast in the middle of a "round" two words indicate the value of the currency. This piece of Yuan Datou in the ten years of the Republic of China is clear and natural in details, such as portrait, hair silk, beard, spike and awn. Through the penetration, the tooth spacing is arranged evenly. Its color is bright and natural, the overall design is harmonious, the pattern is exquisite. So far, it is still sparkling with silver light. It is indeed a rare treasure. It is worth collecting.


In view of the market situation of Yuan Datou in recent years, compared with the downturn of the domestic art market in recent two years, Yuan Datou auction is obviously much more active, boutique, the limelight is not reduced, "Yuan Datou" market value is rising steadily, more Tibetan friends to pursue the "Yuan Datou" trace, at any cost higher than the market. The valence sac was obtained. Yuan Datou ten years ago because of the early liberation of a large number of recycling and exchange, resulting in a rare amount of existing, is now a collection of circulation losses, affected by the law of value, is a collection of good value of silver coins. Ancient coin collectors, especially beginner fans, choose the object of its market price has been relatively stable, is a potential variety of old silver coins, very popular with collectors.



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