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歷史的里程碑 民國銅元之中華民國開國紀念幣十文







1911年辛亥革命勝利後,清帝退位,中華民國成立。中國民主主義革命的先驅者孫 中 山就任中華民國臨時大總統,並在頒布的「臨時大總統令」中提出要「另刊新模,鼓鑄紀念幣」,隨後武昌和南京兩處造幣廠率先鑄行了 「中華民國開國紀念幣」銅元輔幣,以十文面值的為主,在全國發行以取代清朝銅元。開國紀念幣雙旗幣十文應運而生,帶有濃郁的歷史底蘊,歷史價值深厚,極 具科研價值。

近日,一枚中華民國開國紀念幣雙旗幣十文,直徑2.8cm,重量6.9g,形制規整,包漿老道,銹色古舊,色澤柔和,品相完好如新,紋飾清晰深邃,讓人看了無不愛不釋手。錢幣正面為兩面國 旗相互交叉,上繫結帶,左邊的為十八星旗、右邊為五色旗;國 旗上環為「中華民國」四字,下環鑄「開國紀念幣」,字體端莊工整,圓潤飽滿,清秀挺拔,筆畫橫直豎立,遒勁有力,極 具書法藝術價值;左右兩端鑄有精美花卉紋飾,紋飾線條流暢,優雅細膩,十分精 致。

錢幣背面珠圈內中央豎寫「十文」,底下有禾穗紋,設計別緻,紋飾考究,工藝精美,線條優雅,紋理細膩,浮雕感強烈,觀之,極 具美感,賞心悅目;撫之,清涼舒爽,心曠神怡!珠圈外鑄有英文,可見該歷史時期已對外開放,對促進全球經濟發展有著重要的意義,歷史價值深厚,不容小覷。

錢幣既是商品交換的手段,也是一種特殊的文化載體,它是特殊的商品又是精美的藝術品,也是各國各時期政治、經濟、文化藝術狀況的反映。如今隨著古玩藝術品市場的持續發展,收藏古錢幣的藏家越來越多,市場上的精 品古錢幣供不應求,惹得眾多藏家競相爭奪,其前景一片飄紅。

Introduction to the Collection of Ten Articles of Commemorative Coins for the Founding of the Republic of China;

After the victory of the 1911 Revolution, the Qing Emperor abdicated and the Republic of China was established. Sun Yat - sen, the pioneer of China"s democratic revolution, took office as the interim president of the Republic of China, and proposed in the " interim president"s order" to " issue another new model and drum up commemorative coins". subsequently, two mints in Wuchang and Nanjing took the lead in casting the bronze coins of " the founding commemorative coins of the Republic of China" with the ten-character denomination as the main issue to replace the Qing dynasty bronze coins nationwide. The " Ten Characters" of the Founding Commemorative Coin and the " Two Banners" Coin came into being at the historic moment, with a strong historical background, profound historical value and great scientific research value.

Recently, Xiamen Bodega was lucky to get a coin with two banners, 2.8 cm in diameter and 6.9g in weight, with regular shape, sophisticated pulp, old rust color, soft color, good appearance and new appearance, and clear and deep ornamentation. On the front of the coin are two national flags crossing each other with tie bands, with the 18 - star flag on the left and the five-color flag on the right. The flag has the four characters " Republic of China" on the upper ring and " Founding Commemorative Coin" on the lower ring. The characters are dignified and neat, round and full, handsome and tall, with straight strokes, vigorous and powerful strokes, and have great artistic value in calligraphy. Exquisite floral motifs are cast on the left and right, with smooth lines, elegance and delicacy, and very delicate.

The center of the bead circle on the back of the coin is vertically inscribed with " ten characters" with grain spikes under it, which are unique in design, exquisite in decoration, exquisite in workmanship, elegant in lines, exquisite in texture, strong in relief feeling, beautiful in appearance and pleasing to the eye. Fu, cool and refreshing, relaxed and happy! English is cast outside the bead ring, which shows that this historical period has been opened to the outside world and is of great significance to the promotion of global economic development. Its historical value is profound and should not be underestimated.

Coin is not only a means of commodity exchange, but also a special cultural carrier. It is a special commodity and a fine work of art, as well as a reflection of the political, economic, cultural and artistic conditions of various countries in various periods. Today, with the continued development of the antique art market, more and more collectors collect ancient coins, and the demand for high-quality ancient coins in the market is in short supply, causing many collectors to compete for them and their prospects are bright.




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