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編譯 卓思琪

審校 戚譯引

Credit: Jamie Leszczak

在對 6000 多條狗進行 DNA 檢測之後,Embark Veterinary 公司的 Adam Boyko、 Aaron Sams 及同事們發現,犬類第 18 號染色體上的一個重複和西伯利亞哈士奇的藍眼睛有著密切的聯繫。相關論文發表在 10 月 4 日的PLOS Genetics上(論文信息見文末)。

Embark 是一家犬類 DNA 檢測方面的創業公司,總部位於波士頓和伊薩卡,是康奈爾大學獸醫學院的研究合作夥伴。論文作者稱,這是迄今為止第一次非人類模型的消費者基因組學研究,也是目前規模最大的一次犬類基因組研究


藍眼西伯利亞哈士奇。| 圖片來源:Wikipedia

為了填補這一空缺,Boyk、Sams 等人對 6070 條品種各異的狗進行了分析,這些狗都接受過基因測試,並由狗主人在網上填寫表型特徵、上傳照片。研究人員發現,在 18 號染色體 ALX4 基因附近(這個基因在哺乳動物眼睛發育中十分重要),有一段長度為 96.6 Kb 的鹼基重複序列與藍眼密切相關。這一關聯主要存在於西伯利亞哈士奇身上,非芸石色澳大利亞牧羊犬中也有。


隕石色(merle)指犬類身上藍灰色或紅棕色的大理石花紋,在澳大利亞牧羊犬身上常見。圖中澳大利亞牧羊犬左側為紅隕石色異色瞳,右側為藍芸石色藍眼。| 圖片來源:Wikipedia


Aaron J. Sams 補充說道:「通過利用客戶寵物的遺傳信息,並與相同品種寵物的眼睛顏色報告進行對比,我們發現了與藍眼密切相關的基因重複。這項研究也證明了 Embark 公司在改善犬類健康方面的舉措是有用的。」


【題目】Direct-to-consumer DNA testing of 6,000 dogs reveals 98.6-kb duplication associated with blue eyes and heterochromia in Siberian Huskies


【期刊】PLOS Genetics

【時間】October 4, 2018

【摘要】Consumer genomics enables genetic discovery on an unprecedented scale by linking very large databases of personal genomic data with phenotype information voluntarily submitted via web-based surveys. These databases are having a transformative effect on human genomics research, yielding insights on increasingly complex traits, behaviors, and disease by including many thousands of individuals in genome-wide association studies (GWAS). The promise of consumer genomic data is not limited to human research, however. Genomic tools for dogs are readily available, with hundreds of causal Mendelian variants already characterized, because selection and breeding have led to dramatic phenotypic diversity underlain by a simple genetic structure. Here, we report the results of the first consumer genomics study ever conducted in a non-human model: a GWAS of blue eyes based on more than 3,000 customer dogs with validation panels including nearly 3,000 more, the largest canine GWAS to date. We discovered a novel association with blue eyes on chromosome 18 (P = 1.3x10-68) and used both sequence coverage and microarray probe intensity data to identify the putative causal variant: a 98.6-kb duplication directly upstream of the Homeobox gene ALX4, which plays an important role in mammalian eye development. This duplication is largely restricted to Siberian Huskies, is strongly associated with the blue-eyed phenotype (chi-square P = 5.2x10-290), and is highly, but not completely, penetrant. These results underscore the power of consumer-data-driven discovery in non-human species, especially dogs, where there is intense owner interest in the personal genomic information of their pets, a high level of engagement with web-based surveys, and an underlying genetic architecture ideal for mapping studies






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