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價值連城 民國 中央銀行 關金劵伍仟圓一組



民國 中央銀行 關金劵伍仟圓一組







「民國 中央銀行 關金劵」一組,共三張,正面為孫中山像,頂部為「中央銀行」四字,底下為幣值。背面為上海海關大樓,下緣為阿拉伯幣值,幣值下為不同簽名。此組關金券品相保存完好,印刷精美,紙張老化程度較好,券面字體圖案清晰,分辯符合當時的特徵,具有一定的投資價值和收藏價值。


The Central Bank of the Republic of China introduces a collection of Guan Jinmai;

Guanjinmai is the abbreviation of " customs gold unit exchange certificate", which is the calculation unit of China"s customs tax collection under the Kuomintang rule. it has the image of sun yat - sen on the front and the characters " central bank", " five thousand yuan" and " five thousand yuan" in traditional Chinese characters printed on it, with two square stamps at the bottom of the ticket. The pattern on the back is Shanghai Customs Building. Tickets are straight.

Laoguan Gold Voucher, the old paper currency of the Republic of China, is valuable and rare. It is hard to see one for almost a lifetime.

Guanjin Voucher is a currency exclusively used by the Kuomintang government for import duties and issued in the name of the Central Bank. The design of the coupons is uniform, with Sun Yat - sen on the front and Shanghai Customs Building on the back. All but one of them is horizontal and all the others are straight. Guanjin is the abbreviation of " customs gold unit exchange certificate", which is the unit of calculation for tax collection by Chinese customs during the Kuomintang"s reign. At the beginning of the issuance of the coupons, Sun Yat - sen, the father of the country, was pictured on the front, with the words " place names and pay by ticket" printed on it, and the design on the back was the Shanghai Customs Building, both of which were straight. On August 19, 1948, the Kuomintang government issued a " financial and economic emergency order" to implement the so-called " monetary reform" and announced the abolition of legal coins and vouchers, the issuance of vouchers and the redemption of vouchers at the rate of 150,000 vouchers to be exchanged for one voucher. On November 21 of the same year, the closing ceremony was officially cancelled. Family heirloom old coins, old customs gold coupons, and old bills in the Republic of China are all valuable, very rare, and hardly seen for a lifetime. In recent years, there have been related transactions at auction at home and abroad. The prices of good products are over one million pieces, and the market is in short supply.

Recently, Xiamen Bodega was lucky to have obtained a group of " the Central Bank of the Republic of China"s Guanjin Securities", three in total, with Sun Yat - sen"s image on the front, the word " Central Bank" on the top and the currency value on the bottom. On the back is the Shanghai Customs Building, and on the lower edge is the Arabic currency, with different signatures under the currency. This group of coupons are well preserved, beautifully printed, and have a good aging degree of paper. The face of the coupons has clear fonts and patterns, conforms to the characteristics of the time, and has a certain investment value and collection value.

Coin is the most faithful carrier of history. The development of society, the rise and fall of dynasties, the change of dynasties, foreign invasions, major historical events and so on will all be recorded in a small space. Behind the coin words and patterns are all kinds of information such as history, geography, politics, economy, art, customs, beliefs, customs, cultural background, and historical evolution. There are thousands of stories that Qian Qian can"t tell.




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