首頁 > 新聞 > 中國農科院上海獸醫研究所劉光清組揭示兔病毒性出血症病毒內化分子機制


近日,中國農業科學院上海獸醫研究所小動物傳染病預防與控制創新團隊在兔病毒性出血症病毒(Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus, RHDV)入侵機制研究方面取得重要進展,發現宿主蛋白核仁素(Nucleolin, NCL)在RHDV內化過程中發揮關鍵作用,該研究系首次報道RHDV的內化機制。相關研究成果已於近期在線發表於國際著名學術期刊《公共科學圖書館一病原體(PLOS Pathogens)》。

兔病毒性出血症病毒屬於杯狀病毒科兔病毒屬,是一種能夠引起多種家兔和野兔發生急性、致死性傳染病的烈性病毒,其致死率高達90%-100%,所導致的疾病俗稱「兔瘟」, 給養兔業造成了重大經濟損失。由於該病毒長期以來不能體外進行培養,因此RHDV的病原學研究一直滯後。雖然前期科學家已經發現組織血紅素抗原(HBGA)為RHDV的受體,介導病毒吸附作用,但是關於該病毒入侵的分子機制仍不清楚。

該團隊研究發現在NCL與RHDV衣殼蛋白(VP60)存在特異的相互作用,並且這種相互作用在RHDV內化過程中發揮關鍵作用。隨後,該團隊又進一步鑒定出RHDV VP60與NCL相互作用的關鍵區域分別為:VP60的第468-484位氨基酸和NCL的氨基端( N-區域)。並且分析發現,VP60與NCL相互作用的關鍵區域在不同基因亞型的RHDV中是高度保守的。同時,利用人工合成的VP60-NCL互作關鍵區域的多肽,發現該多肽在體內和體外均能抑制該病毒的內化作用。此外該團隊利用小分子化學抑製劑抑制實驗,發現網格蛋白依賴的內吞途徑參與了RHDV的內化過程。同時,該團隊還發現NCL能夠與網格蛋白輕鏈(CLTA)特異性結合,從而參於網格蛋白依賴的內吞途徑。



Rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) is an important member of the Caliciviridae family and a highly lethal pathogen in rabbits. Although the cell receptor of RHDV has been identified, the mechanism underlying RHDV internalization remains unknown. In this study, the entry and post-internalization of RHDV into host cells were investigated using several biochemical inhibitors and RNA interference. Our data demonstrate that rabbit nucleolin (NCL) plays a key role in RHDV internalization. Further study revealed that NCL specifically interacts with the RHDV capsid protein (VP60) through its N-terminal residues (aa 285–318), and the exact position of the VP60 protein for the interaction with NCL is located in a highly conserved region (472Asp-Val-Asn474; DVN motif). Following competitive blocking of the interaction between NCL and VP60 with an artificial DVN peptide (RRTGDVNAAAGSTNGTQ), the internalization efficiency of the virus was markedly reduced. Moreover, NCL also interacts with the C-terminal residues of clathrin light chain A, which is an important component in clathrin-dependent endocytosis. In addition, the results of animal experiments also demonstrated that artificial DVN peptides protected most rabbits from RHDV infection. These findings demonstrate that NCL is involved in RHDV internalization through clathrin-dependent endocytosis.





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