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聖約翰國際拍賣有限公司(英文名稱:Saint John International Auction Co., Ltd. ),創立於1889年在加拿大聖約翰市成立,聖約翰國際拍賣行是全球知名最具有影響力的拍賣行之一,從事藝術品、古董、奢侈品、頂級油畫、名表、珠寶首飾等精品。在業務方面與佳士得拍賣行、蘇富比拍賣行都有業務合作,因業務不斷發展,公司注冊地變更BVI群島,英屬維爾京群島(The British Virgin Islands, B.V.I)。

聖約翰加拿大多倫多大型藝術品拍賣會即將於2018年11月25日在加拿大多倫多費爾蒙酒店(Fairmont hotel, 100 west front street, Toronto, Canada)舉行。本場拍賣將為各界藏家師友奉上涵蓋了瓷器、雜項、玉器、書畫、錢幣等藝術品饕餮盛宴。


拍賣地址:加拿大多倫多費爾蒙酒店(Fairmont hotel, 100 west front street, Toronto, Canada)









尺寸:D:3.9cm WT:37.2g



In 1912, the Nanjing Mint was cast, not released, and the number of deposits was small. In the 14th year of the Republic of China, the National Government was established in Guangzhou. In the 15th year of the Republic of China, it moved to Wuhan. In the 16th year of the Republic of China (AD 1927), it was decided to be in Nanjing. In order to commemorate the great achievements of Sun Yat-sen, the founding father of the Central Government, the capitals of thecentral government used the image of the founding father. The Nanjing and Tianjin mints re-cast the commemorative coins of the founding of the Republic of China in the 16th and 17th years of the Republic of China.



尺寸:D:3.9cm WT:37.1g

起拍價:HKD 8,000,000

「袁大頭」,是對鑄造於民國初年鐫有袁世凱側面頭像壹圓的一種俗稱。因其首鑄於民國九年,又有稱「民九」者,此類別稱由來已久。「三年」 銀幣市場上較為居多,「九年」銀幣年市場非常少,而金幣更為稀缺十分珍貴。此袁世凱像民國九年金幣,直徑:3.9cm,正面為袁世凱五分側面像,上列「中華民國九年」六字,背面兩條嘉禾,左右交互,下繫結帶,中鑄『壹圓』二字。該金幣保存完整,品相極佳,具有很高的收藏價值。

"Yuan Datou" is a common name for the founding of Yuan Shikai"s side head in the early years of the Republic of China. Because it was first built in the Republic of China for nine years, and also known as "National Nine", this category has long been known. The 「three-year」 silver coin market is relatively large, and the 「nine-year」 silver coin market is very small, and the gold coin is more scarce and precious. This Yuan Shikai is like the nine-year gold coin of the Republic of China, with a diameter of 3.9cm. The front is Yuan Shikai"s five-point side image. The six characters of the "National Republic of China nine years" are listed on the back. The two backs are mixed with each other, the left and right sides are tied, and thelower tie is made. "Two words. The gold coins are well preserved, with excellent appearance and high collection value.



尺寸:D:2.6cm WT:16.5g

起拍價:HKD 6,900,000


In the eighth year of the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai looked like a golden coin with a gold coin, and he rarely saw the denomination. Full of luminosity, deep modeling, clean floor, sharp word, fine pattern, sharp edges, innocent appearance, not in use.



尺寸:D:3.9cm WT:37.2g

起拍價:HKD 9,800,000


Guangxu dingwei year daqing gold coin, and the inscriptions and patterns are cast on both sides. The front side is cast with a double-lined outer Guo, and the inner ring has a double bead pattern. The top side casts a right-handed reading of the six characters of "Guangxu Ding Younian", and the bottom side reads "Kuping one or two." Inside the bead ring, read the words "Da Qing Gold Coin". The back of the coin is cast with a frontal five-clawed golden dragon, and the auspicious clouds surround the surrounding, the outer two, the outer side is a thin line, and the inner side has a bead ring. Due to the extremely small amount of casting, it is a rare orphan that has been preserved and has a very high historical research collection value!



尺寸:D:3.97cm WT:37g

起拍價:HKD 9,880,000


In 1902, Zhejiang Province made Guangxu Yuanbao Kuping seven money two points of gold sample coins, commonly known as "regular script of Zhejiang Province", the currency is in front of the circle of Chinese characters and Manchu "Guangxu Yuanbao" words, cast "Zhejiang made" four The word, the squatting "Kuping seven money two points" six words, regular script of books, two sides of the flower decoration. Theback of the dragon is in the middle, the outer ring is in English, and there are "7" and "2" Arabic numerals, and small flowers on both sides. The pattern of gold coins is exquisitely carved, and the caster is exquisite!



尺寸:D:3.9cm WT:37g

起拍價:HKD 2,800,000

民國十二年曹錕憲法成立紀念金幣 :銀模金樣。文曹,PCGS 評級:SP61-81078184,光輪光感銳利,包漿自然,圖案雕刻精美而又清晰,狀態上乘,近美品.

In the twelve years of the Republic of China, Cao Kun"s constitution was set up to commemorate the gold coin: Silver mold gold sample. Wen Cao, PCGS rating: SP61-81078184, the light wheel is sharp, natural pulping, exquisite and clear pattern carving, good condition, near-beautiful.



尺寸:D:2.8cm WT:17.8g

起拍價:HKD 8,000,000


In the nine years of the Republic of China, Ni Sichong liked the Anwu Army to commemorate the gold coin, a rare product. Anqing Mint cast to ,commemorate the army of Anwu, a bust of Ni Xichong in military uniform is on the front, and the words "Anwu Army" are read directly in the back.



尺寸:D:3.9cm WT:37.2g

起拍價:HKD 13,000,000


In the 18th year of the Republic of China (1929), Sun Zhongshan like made a gold coin like the back of the earth, very good condition, beautiful.



尺寸:L:6cm WT:15.5g

起拍價:HKD 3,800,,000


The three-hole cloth, formerly known as the "three-dimensional cloth", was an ancient coin in the late Warring States Period. It was the ancient coin of the late Warring States Period. It was the first of the ancient Chinese money, and it was the precious thing of the stock. It is the object of conflicts in the past dynasties; it is the object that various national museums want to win, and itis also the treasure that all collectors long for. The basics of the present is the bronze "three-hole cloth coin". This gold-shaped "three-hole cloth" is a three-hole coin with a round head, a round shoulder, a round foot, and a round enamel. The specifications of the money pattern match the ancient coins. The weight is in line with the standard. This gold is the ancient gold of the Warring States period, the ancient gas of the patina is extraordinary, it is the authenticity of many years of inheritance. It is the rare thing, the rare and precious thing. It is the treasure coin that the collectors of the world dream of. The authenticity of this three-hole cloth gold coin is the pride of the coin collection industry. The collection value is extremely high and representative of the meaning of the coin.



尺寸:D:3.9cm WT:37.2g

起拍價:HKD 15,800,000

1914年袁世凱像民國三年「L.GIORGI」簽字版金質樣幣一枚,直徑3.9cm,重量37.2克,近未使用至完全未使用品. 此枚袁世凱像共和紀念銀幣簽字版金質樣幣,屬銀模金鑄樣幣,由天津造幣總廠試鑄,有義大利雕刻師L.GIORGI簽名。

In 1914, Yuan Shikai was like a three-year "L.GIORGI" signed gold coin in the Republic of China. It has a diameter of 3.9cm and a weight of 37.2g. It has not been used until it is completely unused. This Yuan Shikai is like a commemorative silver coin signature gold sample. The coin is a silver mold casting coin, which was cast by the Tianjin Mint Factory and signed by the Italian engraver L.GIORGI.



尺寸:D:3.9cm WT:37g

起拍價:HKD 14,800,000


This currency was trial-produced by the Tianjin Mint in the Republic of China. Ma Dingxiang was born in Tianjin in 1954. According to the original owner (previously the head of the mint), the cloud was: "The gold sample was only cast two or three at the time. It was dedicated to the warlord Zhang Zuolin. The use of this, now in the fifteenth year of the Republic of China Zhang Zuolin gold sample coins have not seen any museums and collectors collection, precious.



尺寸:D:2.2cm WT:8.7g、8.8g

起拍價:HKD 13,800,000


In the eight years of the Republic of China (1919), Yuan Shikai looked like two goldencoins in the back of the Jiahe map. The casting amount was very small and the products were not used recently.



尺寸:D:3.97cm WT:37.8g

起拍價:HKD 15,800,000

黎元洪像開國紀念金幣正面中央珠圈內鑄黎元洪戴軍帽九分臉戎裝肖像,珠圈外上鐫「中華民國」四個字,下鐫「開國紀念幣」五個字,珠圈外左右兩側各鑄五瓣梅花各一枝。銀幣的背面珠圈內中央鐫豎寫「壹圓」二字,托以嘉禾圖,左右各一枝,每枝一穗三葉。珠圈外上環為英文「THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA」(中華民國),下環為英文「ONE DOLLAR」(壹圓),兩側偏下各鐫一個五角星。

Li Yuanhong"s statue of founding commemorative gold coin is made in the front central pearl circle of Li Yuanhong"s military cap with a nine-cent face and military uniform portrait. Outside the Pearl circle is inscribed with the words "Republic of China" and under it is inscribed with the words "founding commemorative coin". Outside the Pearl circle, five plum blossoms are cast on the left and right sides respectively. On the back of the silver coin, in the center of the bead circle, the word "one circle" is written vertically, supported by a picture of Jiahe, one branch on each side, one ear and three leaves on each branch. The outer ring of the bead circle is "The REPUBLIC OF CHINA" (Republic of China), the lower ring is "ONE DOLLAR" (one circle) in English, with a pentagram on each side.



尺寸:D:3.89cm WT:37.3g

起拍價:HKD 13,800,000


In the fifteenth year of the Republic of China, Sun Zhongshan was like a gold coin, and the front was a portrait of Sun Yat-sen. He wrote the book "15 Years of the Republic of China"; the back is a pattern of rice ears with a face value. The coin is a trial casting coin, with novel design and exquisite casting. It is one of the 20 Chinese silver coins. And the trial casting of gold coins is rare, it is said that there are only a few in existence, so it has a huge collection value.



尺寸:D:3.9cm WT:37g

起拍價:HKD 15,880,000

1890年光緒元寶廣東省造庫平七錢三分,又稱「廣東七三反版」,雕刻師艾倫·韋恩(Allan Wyon)為英國伯明翰喜敦造幣廠雕模後試鑄,鏡面版底,鑄工精湛,是中國近代機制銀幣的開山之作。此類金幣珍貴又極為稀少。此枚廣東省造七錢三分光緒元寶金幣鑄造工藝精細,包漿自然,紋飾生動傳神,栩栩如生,寓意吉祥。整體紋飾鏨刻秀美精工。

In 1890, Guangxu Yuanbao Kuping seven money three points made in Guangdong Province. It was also called "Guangdong seven three anti-version". Carver Allan Wyon casts a mold for the Birmingham Mint in Birmingham, England. The mirror version is very exquisite, and it is the pioneering work of China"s modern mechanism silver coins. Such gold coins are precious and extremely rare. This piece of Guangdong Province made in

seven money three points Guangxu yuanbao gold coins casting process fine casting craftsmanship, natural patina, decorative vivid and vivid, lifelike, meaning auspicious. The overall ornamentation is engraved with beautiful workmanship.



尺寸: D:3.9cm WT:37.2g

起拍價:HKD 8,000,000


In the 12th year of the Republic of China (1923), the dragon and the phoenix rounded the small gold coin, this coin is a sample coin made by the Tianjin Mint, the front central engraved dragon and phoenix pattern, the outer engraved "the 12th anniversary of the Republic of China", the back engraved casting Jiahe pattern And the "One dollar" currency value, the coin is well-made, the preservation is perfect, there are slightscratches, the teeth are not damaged, and the beautiful products are almost unused, which is rare.



尺寸:D:3.9cm WT:37g

起拍價:HKD 9,800,000


In the 10th year of the Republic of China, Xu Shichang Renshou Tongdeng commemorative coin gold sample coin, the Tianjin Mint was the 60th birthday of the Republic of China President Xu Shichang special casting commemorative coin, this is a gold sample coin, the front cast Xu Shichang bust, On the back, the exterior of Ju Ren Tang and the words "Ren Shou Tong Deng", "Republic of China, September and September", commemorative coins, etc. are rare, and the most beautiful products are not used at all.



尺寸:D:3.9cm WT:37.2g

起拍價:HKD 9,800,000


In the 16th year of the Republic of China, the National Government of the Republic ofChina made Sun Zhongshan a commemorative gold coin. The pattern of this coin is vivid, beautiful, and expressive. It is deep and exquisite, full of pressure, and the original color mirror is golden, the original color is lightly colored, and the top grade is The best who sees the state is extremely rare.




起拍價:HKD 6,800,000


In 1932, the Puppet Manchukuo "Fushou Wannian" Ji language gold coin, diameter: 3.0cm, weight: 31.6 grams, very rare. After Manchukoku was the "September 18 Incident" in 1931, the Japanese invaders used a former regime to clean up the emperor Xinyi Luo Juyi in the northeast.



尺寸: D:3.9cm WT:37.1g

起拍價:HKD 8,800,000


Yuan Shikai is like the Chinese empire Hongxian dynasty Feilong commemorative gold coin, minted by the Tianjin Mint. The background of this coin casting is that the Republic of China was built by Yuan Shi for five years, and the Tianjin Mint carving technician sample for the eight years of the Republic of China. In 1916, Yuan Shikai was like the Chinese empire"s Hongxian era L.GIORGI signed version of the dragon"s gold sample coin, the mirror version of the bottom casting, exquisite casters, can be called the classic Chinese machine currency classic, preserved flawless.



尺寸:D:3.9cm WT:37.2g

起拍價:HKD 16,800,000


In the fifteenth year of the Republic of China, Zhang Zuolin was like the Grand Marshal of the Navy and the commemorative round gold coin. The coin was exquisitely carved and the characters were very vivid. It was the leader among the gold coins of the Republic of China. It was extremely rare, very rare, and the appearance was extremely perfect. Nearly unused to completely unused



尺寸:D:3.9cm WT:37.5g

起拍價:HKD 10,000,000


Yuan Shikai like the Republican commemorative signature gold coin, 1914 Tianjin Mint trial casting, weighing 37.5 grams, this coin for Yuan Shikai with military uniforms high cherry crown positive like the Republic of China Republican commemorative coin signature version of the sample currency, is the commemorative coins minted by the Republic of China , not yet circulated, the amount of existence is extremely rare.



尺寸:D:3.8cm WT:37.1g

起拍價:HKD 11,000,000


In the fifteenth year of the Republic of China, Zhang Zuolin was like the Grand Marshal of the Navy and the commemorative round of gold coins. It was made in the Tianjin Mint in the 15th year of the Republic of China (1926), and it is extremely rare. In the thirteenth year of the Republic of China (1924), Zhang Zuolin, after defeating the direct warlords, took control of the Beiyang Warlord Government. In the fifteenth year of the Republic of China (1926), he was commander-in-chief of the An Guojun. During this period, the Tianjin Mint made Zhang Zuolin"s commemorative gold coin, which was positively imaged by Zhang Zuolin. There were four versions of the Republic of China in the fifteen, sixteen, seventeen and five years.



尺寸:D:31.5cm WT:29.8g

起拍價:HKD 8,900,000


In the 1920s of the Republic of China, Ni Sichong liked the Anqing Mint to commemorate the gold coins. Anqing Mint casts the "Anwujun" commemorative coin, with a bust on the front and an "Anwujun Memorial" and Jiahe pattern on the back. There are two kinds of gold and silver. This product is exquisitely cast and has excellent appearance. Ni Kuangchong is rare to commemorate the gold sample coins.



尺寸:D:3.8cm WT:37.1g

起拍價:HKD 7,800,000


In the fifteenth year of the Republic of China, Zhang Zuolin was like a commemorative commemorative round gold coin. In the thirteenth year of the Republic of China (1924), Zhang Zuolin, after defeating the direct warlords, took control of the Beiyang Warlord Government. In the fifteenth year of the Republic of China (1926), he was commander-in-chief of the An Guojun. During this period, the Tianjin Mint made Zhang Zuolin"s commemorative gold coin, and the front was smashed by Zhang Zuolin. The coin is a fifteen-year version. The characters are beautifully shaped, the carving is exquisite, the preservation is perfect, and the products are almost unused. It is very rare.



尺寸:D:2.5cm WT:12.2g

起拍價:HKD 8,800,000


The two Buddha statues cast by the "Chunhua Yuanbao" money back are backed by the lotus throne and Xiangyun. Lotus is a symbol of Buddhism, indicating that this kind of gold coin has a certain connection with the activities of Buddhism at that time. After Buddhism was introduced into China from the Eastern Han Dynasty, it developed into a prosperous stage in the Tang Dynasty. However, during the Five Dynasties, local separatism led to the destruction of Buddhism. In the early years of the Song Dynasty, the Song regime exercised appropriate protection for Buddhism, stopped the abolition of the temple, and sent people to India to seek law, so that Buddhism was restored.



尺寸:D:3.9cm WT:37.2g

起拍價:HKD 11,000,000


In the 12th year of the Republic of China, the Dragon and the Phoenix national emblem was rounded up in 1923. The Tianjin Mint minted a special "Dragon and Phoenix Silver Coin". The first national emblem after the establishment of the Republic of China, also known as the "12 chapters of the national emblem map", was drafted by Mr. Lu Xun in 1912 as the head of the Department of Social Education of the Ministry of Education.



尺寸:D:3.9cm WT:37.4g

起拍價:HKD 9,990,000




This coin is recommended by the Central Mint Consultant, financial expert and collector of the National Government. Mr. Aide, the general engraver of the Vienna Mint, known for its exquisite craftsmanship, was sent to the Nanjing Mint for trial casting. Commemorative silver coins minted by the tomb of Mr. Sun Zhongshan.

According to records, this gold coin has not been officially issued. It should be used to distribute the dignitaries and dignitaries who participated in the Fengan Grand Ceremony.

The front of the gold coin is the positive image of Sun Zhongshan. There are eight characters of the "Republic of China National Government"; the middle of the back is the word "One Yuan". The following is the "16-year-old", the left is the sun and the pine, the right is the Zhongshan. The pattern of the mausoleum. The amount of coins cast is quite small and very rare.



尺寸:D:3.9cm WT:37.5g

起拍價:HKD 12,000,000


In 1924, Duan Qirui was a rare commemorative coin in the Republic of China. It was one of the famous portraits of warlords in the modern period of the Republic of China. It was coined by the Tianjin Mint in the 13th year of the Republic of China (1924) to commemorate the temporary ruling post of the Republic of China government, which was promoted by the Northern Warlord Duan Qirui in November



尺寸: D:5.05cm WT:49g

起拍價:HKD 18,000,000


In the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Xianzhong cast the West King"s rewarding gold coins, which is rare in the world. The two sides of the coin are thick and thick, the font is simple, the strokes are straight, the edges are fine, and the appearance is beautiful. It is a rare treasure.



尺寸:D:3.97cm WT:29g、30g

起拍價:HKD 6,200,000


Coins are more common in silver coins, and few gold coins. Yuan Shikai is like a three-year, nine-year round of gold coins in the Republic of China, a group of two, well preserved, bright color. The excavator is exquisite, the bottom of the plate is flawless, and the gloss is perfect. It is a model of the portrait coin of the Republic of China. The most valuable treasure of the Chinese modern mechanism is rare







Yuan Shikai is like Hong Hong Fei"s signature silver coin.

D:3.93cm WT:26.5g



Yuan Shikai is like the Chinese version of the Hongling Era of the Chinese Empire. The front of the coin is Yuan Shikai wearing a stiletto crown, wearing a medal on the chest and a signature version on the right. The center of the back is the dragon, the upper edge is the four characters of the Chinese empire, and the lower edge is the four characters of the Hong dynasty. The coin was made in 1916 and is now rare. The color of the coin is white, original patina, strong stereoscopic effect, fresh pattern, good appearance, near circulation, rare.



Eagle ocean coin

D:3.9cm WT:27g



In 1896, the Mexican eagle was a eagle, the silver dollar was a winged eagle, and the long-legged snake was standing on a cactus (national flower). On the edge of the book, the Spanish word "REPUBLIKAMEXIKANA (Republic of Mexico). Mexican coins, silver coins and coins Other coins have a reputation in the world, and many countries have commissioned Mexican coins. This product is excellent, original patina, and has a high collection value.



In 1911, Xuantong three years of clear silver coins "Qu Xu Long"




Daqing Silver Coin Xuantong three-year "Qu Xu Long" silver coin, diameter 3.9cm, the back dragon"s depiction is vivid, the dragon pattern is clear and clear, from the color of the silver coin, it is smooth and bright, the patina is mellow, the craftsmanship is exquisite, it is worth collecting. Art masterpiece.



1908 coinage factory Guangxu yuanbao seven money two cents silver coins




Founded in 1908, Tianjin Mint Factory officially cast the Guangxu Years of the Guangxu Co., Ltd., the Guangxu Yuanbao Kuping seven money and two cents of silver coins. The silver coins are well-cast, currency-weighted and fine-colored. They are popular after being placed in the market. The central bead circle of the silver coin is filled with the Chinese character "Guangxu Yuanbao", and the four words of the coinage factory are written on the outside of the bead circle. The value of the Chinese currency is "Kuping seven money two points".



In the 23rd year of the Republic of China, Sun Yat-sen was like a double sail silver coin.

D:3.9cm WT:26.4g



In the 23rd year of the Republic of China, Shuangfan was built by the Shanghai Central Mint in the 23rd year of the Republic of China. The upper part of the front is engraved with the words "Twenty-three years of the Republic of China", and the lower end is the side image of Sun Yat-sen. The two ends of the back are cast with "one yuan", and there are a pair of stern boats in the middle that are riding the wind and breaking waves. The coin has clear text, beautiful patterns, vivid and vivid heads, and the casting technique is very exquisite. Moreover, this collection is well preserved, and its color is natural. Although it has a slight rust, it does not hinder its appearance, but it is more natural and delicate, and the image is shallow. Suitable. Sun Zhongshan"s head in the coin is alive. The design is novel and the caster is exquisite.



Sun Yat-sen is like the Republic of China, the founding commemorative coin, the silver coin

D:3.9cm WT:26.8g


評級:AU 58

中華民國開國紀念幣是1911年12月29 日經辛亥革命後,光複的17省代表在南京推選孫中山爲中華民國臨時大總統。民國成立時鼓鑄的紀念幣。,正面中央爲孫中山側面肖像,邊緣內上鐫中文隸書體"中華民國"4字、下鐫"開國紀念幣"5字、左右長枝花飾。背面中央爲中文隸書體"壹圓"及嘉禾,邊緣英文"中華民國"、"壹圓",左右分列五角星。該幣鑄造量較大,流通較廣。

Rating: AU 58

The commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China was on December 29, 1911. After the Revolution of 1911, the representatives of the 17 provinces in Guangfu elected Sun Yat-sen as the interim president of the Republic of China. The commemorative coin that was built when the Republic of China was founded. The central part of the front is the portrait of Sun Yat-sen. The Chinese character is "Chinese Republic of China" in the margin, and the "Opening Commemorative Coin" is 5 characters. The center of the back is the Chinese literary body "Yuan Yuan" and Jiahe, the edge of the English "Republic of China", "Yuan Yuan", divided into five-pointed stars. The coin has a large amount of casting and a wide circulation.



D:3.9cm WT:26.6g



In 1911, the British-made trade silver dollar was commonly known as "Zhan ren, Zhan yang" and "Zhan yang" silver dollar. It was one of the foreign currencies that were minted by the British and widely distributed in China during the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. After the 「Zhan yang」 Yinyuan entered China, it began to circulate in Guangdong and Guangxi. Due to its exquisite production and high silver content, the value of the traditional silver dollar and the foreign early commercial silver dollar continued to rise.



1787 Spanish Carlos IV double-column silver coin

D:2.86cm WT:26.7g



In 1787, Mexico Carlos IV double-column silver coin, old patina, surface wear and small stamp, rare products.



Queen of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1780

D:4.05cm WT:28g



One of the world"s famous trade silver coins. The main picture of the silver coin is the head of the queen"s right side, with a headscarf on the curly hair, the character is slightly rich, and has the obvious characteristics of European women in the 18th century. The main picture on the back is extremely delicate, with dense lines and fine hair, showing a very high casting process. The top pattern is a crown with a cross, showing the status of religion; below are two majestic eagle, symbolizing the majesty of the imperial power. The wings of the eagle are very fluid, dynamic and layered. There is also a standing lion on the shield in the middle of the silver coin. The edges of the silver coins are also not wasted, full of decorative patterns and text. The coin casting is extremely delicate, and the deposit is rare, and the collection value is very high!



Mexican eagle

D:3.9cm WT:27g



The Mexican silver circle is also called "ink silver" or "eagle ocean", and later it is "Ying yang". The history of Mexican coins can be traced back to the 16th century. The main picture of the Mexican free hat map is a winged eagle with a long snake and a single leg standing on a cactus. In the center of the main image on the back is a free soft cap with 32 beams of light varying around the cap. The special feature of the coin is that the back cap is facing down and is very unique.



Guizhou Automobile Silver Coin in the 17th year of the Republic of China

D:4cm WT:26.6g


貴州銀幣民國十七年貴州省政府造汽車幣,「 貴州汽車銀幣」俗稱「汽車銀幣」、「汽車銀元」,簡稱「車闆」,國外稱AUTO DOLLAR。該銀幣以汽車爲圖案,這在中國錢幣史獨一無二。


Guizhou Silver Coin in the 17th year of the Republic of Guizhou Province, the provincial government made the car coin, "Guangzhou car silver coin" commonly known as "car silver coin", "car silver dollar", referred to as "vehicle plate", foreign said AUTO DOLLAR. The silver coin is patterned with cars, which is unique in the history of Chinese coins.

Among the nearly a thousand kinds of old silver coins that are known to be issued in China, "automotive silver coins" have long been a treasure in the currency because of the special pattern, the small amount of casting, the narrow circulation, and the rareness of the world.



British Queen Victorian Dollar in 1892

D:3.86cm WT:27.8g



In the British Victorian era (1837-1901), the silver coins of St. George』s demon figure were released. The front of the coin is the bust of Queen Velia, and on the back is the hero of St. George riding in the ground with a sword and killing the winged Kraken. It is commonly known as the "British Horse Sword Silver Coin". The currency is worth 1 kr., but according to British practice, the value of the currency is not indicated on the silver coin. It is the largest currency of silver coins and major varieties issued by the UK in the 19th and 20th centuries. The coin pattern is artistic, the statue and the caster are exquisite, and it is well-known in the world. It is also favored by domestic silver coin collectors.



1849 Freedom and Equality, French Silver Coin

D:3.7cm WT:24.8g


1849年正是法國第二共和國時期,該幣俗稱法國大力神銀幣,銀幣正面圖案有三個人物,正中爲大力神,大力神的兩邊分別爲手持"自由桿"的智慧女神雅典娜和手提天平的正義女神忒彌斯。在三神的頭頂上方有法文:"LIBERTE"、" EGALITE"、"FRATERNITE",分別代表:自由、平等、博愛。錢幣背面有REPUBLIQUE,FRANCAISE,翻譯爲法蘭西共和國。正中書寫FRANCS(法郎)幣值由不同時期而決定其面值大小。四周爲橄欖枝和橡樹枝代表著和平、幸福。該幣具有特定的曆史背景,極具收藏價值。

In 1849, it was the period of the Second Republic of France. The coin was commonly known as the French Hercules silver coin. The front of the silver coin has three characters. The center is Hercules. The two sides of Hercules are the goddess Athena and the portable balance that hold the "free pole". The goddess of justice, Themis. Above the top of the Three Gods are French: "LIBERTE", "EGALITE", "FRATERNITE", which represent: freedom, equality, fraternity. On the back of the coin is REPUBLIQUE, FRANCAISE, translated into the French Republic. The value of the FRANCS (Fran) currency is determined by the period of time. The olive branches and oak branches are surrounded by peace and happiness. The coin has a specific historical background and is highly collectible.



Hussein Guangxu Yuanbao 20th Wenyuan Yuan

D:3.2cm WT:10.8g



Guangxu Yuanbao 「Household department」 is a 20 text coin with a diameter of 3.2cm and a weight of 10.8g. In the front bead circle, the Chinese character engraved "Guangxu Yuanbao" is cast, the upper ring is full of texts, and the lower ring book is "When the money is made of 20 text ". The left and right are divided into "Household", "unit" and plum star points; The upper and lower rings are cast in English. The writing is profound and beautiful, and the dragon pattern is beautifully carved. The patina is thick and old, and the ochre is natural. It is full of traces of years and a strong sense of historical sedimentation. The collection value is extremely high.



Daqing copper coin "Zhe" word households when making money twenty

D:3.42cm WT:13.2g



The Daqing Copper Coin "Zhe" word households were made up of 20 pieces of money, and the ten-character copper circle was only minted by some provincial bureaus, and there were fewer deposits. The coin has a clear font, a clean surface, a clear dragon pattern and excellent preservation.



Xianfeng and Yuan Bao are thousands of copper coins.

D:5.7cm WT:67.1g


此藏品爲清代「鹹豐元寶當千銅幣」,直徑:5.7cm。錢幣正面印刻著「鹹豐元寶」四字,字跡清晰,蒼勁有力。觀其鑄體,鑄制規整,邊圓廓正,坦平地章,穿緣廓幹淨,優良鑄工,更顯字廓深竣挺拔,精整有加。品賞其錢文,可見鹹豐元寶之特有字體端美亮眼,十分耐賞. 此幣背面鑄「當千」字樣,文字端正,流暢,舒展。整體幣面造型較爲分明,古銅色圓型錢幣,中間穿正方形孔,在日光的照射下更散發出熠熠光輝。 藏品雖經曆了無窮歲月,但紋路依舊清晰可見。

This collection is the Qing Dynasty "Xianfeng Yuanbao as a thousand copper coins", diameter: 5.7cm. The front of the coin is engraved with the words "Xianfeng Yuanbao", which is clear and powerful. Viewing its casting body, casting regular, round and round profile, flat and flat chapter, wearing a clean edge, excellent caster, more pronounced and deep and straight, refined. Appreciation of its money, it can be seen that the unique font of Xianfeng Yuanbao is beautiful and very appealing. The back of the coin is cast with the words 「When the thousand」, the text is correct, smooth and stretched. The overall shape of the coin is relatively clear, and the bronze round coin has a square hole in the middle, which is more radiant under the illumination of sunlight. Although the collection has experienced infinite years, the lines are still clearly visible.



Xianfeng Yuanbao (a group of hundred, fifty, ten, and five)




A group of Xianfeng Yuanbao, including one hundred, ten, ten, and five. Brass, excellent copper, regular shape, beautiful atmosphere, good preservation of the quality, very rare, very collectible value.







In the Qing Dynasty, Shanxi "Guangxu Year Taigubao fifty-two" silver ingots, weighing 1491.3 grams, "Taigubao" inscriptions mean "Guotai Min"an, grain Fengdeng"; this product is quite good, the stamp is clear, the Shanxi merchants in the Qing Dynasty Known in the world, the fifty-two large ingots are cast, and the shape is regular and the color is first-class. This piece is a treasure of the family. It is well preserved, the temperament is heavy and steady, and the state is excellent. The "Taigubao" Mingbao silver is extremely rare.



1909 Guangdong Xuantong Yuanbao seven money two cents silver coin



PCGS評級 AU Detail LM-138。爲1909年清朝宣統年間廣東省官鑄揭露發行的機鑄銀幣,銀幣正面中心珠圈內鐫滿漢文「宣統元寶」四字,珠圈外上端鐫漢字「廣東省造」,下端鐫漢字「庫平七錢二分」,左右各鐫一個四瓣花星。反面中心鐫蟠龍圖,上端鐫英文廣東省,下端鐫英文七錢二分幣值,左右各鐫一個四瓣花星。看上去極其瑰麗,美得動人心魄!值得收藏。

PCGS rating AU Detail LM-138. For the 1909 Qing Dynasty Xuantong period, Guangdong Province officially unveiled the machine-casting silver coin. The silver coin front center circle is full of Chinese characters "Xuan Tong Yuan Bao", the upper part of the bead circle is the Chinese character "Guangdong Province", the lower end is the Chinese character "Library" Pingqi money is two points, and each has a four-flowered star. The reverse center of the dragon map, the upper end of the English-speaking Guangdong Province, the lower end of the English seven money two cents, each side of a four-flowered star. It looks extremely beautiful and beautiful! worth collecting.





加拿大多倫多費爾蒙酒店(Fairmont hotel, 100 west front street, Toronto, Canada)



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