首頁 > 娛樂 > SHFT新聞速遞,ILLENIUM巡演「Awake 2.0」或重新定義電子樂現場,新單《God Damnit》搬上舞台

SHFT新聞速遞,ILLENIUM巡演「Awake 2.0」或重新定義電子樂現場,新單《God Damnit》搬上舞台

ILLENIUM最近不管是巡演現場還是新歌發行,都是獲得了很不錯的成績,其實你完全可以稱他是future bass音樂的先鋒,馬不停蹄地全世界巡演、出新單,除了新的2.0巡演、新單的現場首秀,還有新Remix《Say It》等等,工作節奏和音樂一樣緊湊歡快,業界勞模了解了解?

ILLENIUM has been killing It recently, from his live tour to the overwhelming success of his recent releases. He can be rightfully called a pioneer of the future bass genre, gracing stages around the world night after night. He』s not afraid to throw down though, he』s got an unreleased remix of 「Say It」 by flume that absolutely slaps. Wanna know more about him? Keep reading!


The evolution of live performances in the electronic music world has been nothing short of a phenomenon. Artists across the board, from house to bass, have continually sought to broaden the bounds in which fans can experience their favorite music. Now, as the calendar moves into the homestretch of 2018, the next phase of this industry-redefining movement has been unveiled at the hands of none other than ILLENIUM.

在過去的幾年中,ILLENIUM的發展速度驚人,眾多全球性著名音樂節的當紅人選,話題人物,可以說短時間內已經成為圈內領軍人物。憑藉兩張廣受好評的LP《Ashes》和《Awake》,加上一些高水準的原創專輯和不斷進步的現場,鞏固了自己的全明星地位。這兩張專輯標誌著ILLENIUM職業生涯中的重要時刻,在他的美國巡演中,他向觀眾介紹了《Awake》 LiveShow的表演理念。在Dabin和Said the Sky的兩位好朋友的幫助下,這個電音三人組讓現場觀眾足足過了一把癮,當然,也給其他DJ增加了不少壓力。

Following an upward trajectory that has propelled him into headlining status over the past few years, ILLENIUM has consistently topped the billing of some of the planet』s most renowned festivals to become a scorching topic of conversation. He』s cemented his all-star status with the release of two critically-acclaimed LPs in 「Ashes」 and 「Awake」, plus a handful of chart-topping originals and an evolving live experience. The latter of the two albums marked a significant moment for ILLENIUM, who introduced his audiences to the 「Awake」 live show concept amid his widely sold-out US tour. In calling upon the help of his two close personal friends in Dabin and Said the Sky, the eclectic trio granted those in attendance an unparalleled experience that set the bar high for what could be expected going forward in the realm of DJ performances.



這位住在Denver的Evil Resident在7月底就開始暗搓搓地籌劃以一種新的方式展開他的《Awake》專輯巡演之旅。經過幾個月的精心策劃,帶著他認為自己迄今為止最高水平的作品,ILLENIUM正式宣布他的 「Awake 2.0」巡演首場將在標誌性的Red Rocks上演。

The Denver resident began to tease a refreshed approach to his 「Awake」 tour at the end of July after taking the past summer reinvigorate what he sought to offer on stage. After months of careful planning and what he labeled some of his most intricate work to date, ILLENIUM officially announced his inaugural 「Awake 2.0」 appearance with a home state event at the iconic Red Rocks Amphitheatre.

雖然他沒有具體透露對「Awake 2.0」現場的預期和計劃,但ILLENIUM表示,這次的巡演現場將會有更多黑暗厚重的元素,以及新的音樂和暗藏的驚喜。好吧,雖然我們還不知道具體情況,但看上去已經超出預期了,因為ILLENIUM在兩位好基友的幫助下,還推出了一個完全獨立的樂隊,並且這個樂隊配置走心,全套鼓包到電吉他到三角鋼琴,可以說是很誠懇的。


While it wasn』t explicitly disclosed what to expect for the 『Awake 2.0』 environment, ILLENIUM noted that he would be creating more of his darker and heavier live edits along with new music and some potential surprises as well. This turned out to be more than fans could have ever dreamed of, as ILLENIUM followed through tenfold on his promise by debuting an outright band setup with the help once more from Dabin and Said the Sky. The group rightfully took the next step in their artistic progression by utilizing everything at their disposal from a full drum kit to electric guitars to a grand piano.

然而這些居然還不是全部,這個27歲,前途不可估量的藝術家彷彿生怕這場音樂盛宴上他的樂迷不夠嗨,於是他打算再秀一首未公開演出的單曲《God Damnit》。這首新單的Hook彷彿一個自詡自省的抒情詩人喃喃碎語,加上Call Me Karizma充滿感染力的Rap,搭配ILLENIUM標誌性的鼓點和繞耳的旋律,清新又直戳心臟,溫柔地從雙耳灌入,在喉嚨,在心臟,在脊椎都注入薄荷般的涼,這次的巡演著實讓人忍不住對其有所期待了。

ILLENIUM & Call Me Karizma - God Damnit


As if this wasn』t enough excitement for his faithful and self-dubbed Illenials』 community to savor, the artist brought along a special production 「God Damn it」 during the show that was something his fans had yet to see from the limitless 27-year-old. Boasting an introspective hook toppled with infectious rap bars from rising lyricist Call Me Karizma, ILLENIUM plasters his trademark drums and haunting melodies for a crisp, intimate production that is primed to send chills throughout the human spine.







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