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心碎時刻!SKI MASK演出因故延遲,明天公布演出日期

我們非常抱歉地告知大家,由於不可控因素,SKI MASK THE SLUMP GOD決定將他的亞洲巡演推遲到2019年初。明天我們將宣布新的具體表演日期,SKI MASK也會通過視頻形式向粉絲們表達他的歉意。

SHFT. Family it breaks our heart to announce that Ski Mask The Slump God for reasons out of our control has decided to postpone his Asia tour to the beginning of 2019. Tomorrow we will announce the new date for the Shanghai Ski Mask performance and have been promised by management a video of Ski Mask apologizing to his China fans.


We hope that you understand that as promoters in China, SHFT. takes big risks to bring the fans their favorite artists from all around the world to our lit events. When flying artists in from half way around the world there is always risk of uncontrollable issues that cause an arist to cancel or postpone their tour.

SKI MASK也一直很期待見到中國的粉絲們,將儘快告知我們新的演出日期,目前看來將改期到一月底。已經購票的粉絲們可以選擇退票或繼續等待,我們將在明天公布更新的演出日期。請訪問您購買門票的售票平台,了解退票詳情。

Ski Mask is so excited to see his fans in China and will be providing us the new Shanghai performance date ASAP, which is looking to be late January. Ticket buyers will have the option to refund their tickets or to keep their ticket for the new date which we will update you on tomorrow. Please visit the ticket selling platform that you purchased your tickets on for instructions on how to refund.

為了表達對粉絲的愛,SHFT將購買5張SKI MASK的新專輯《Stockeley》和5張XXXtentacion的專輯《Skin》。我們將把這些專輯贈送給10位購買了本周末SKI MASK門票的歌迷。要進入幸運抽獎環節的朋友請發送一張你購票的照片到我們的微信後台。

To show love, SHFT. is purchasing 5 hard copies of Ski Mask"s new album 「Stockeley」 and 5 hard copies of XXXtentacion"s album 「Skins」. We will gift the albums to 10 fans who purchased tickets to the Ski show this weekend. To enter into the lucky draw send a photo proof of your ticket purchase to our back end.

為了給你們更多的關愛,我們這個周六會舉辦一個免費的派對,有來自SKI MASK演出的所有助陣嘉賓,WHOSTAR,8UCK,JAEGER108,AUXCORP和RAMZ。另外,上海這個周末也有很多令人興奮的派對,比如Insidesect,所以對於每個從外地飛來的人來說,這仍然是一個在魔都度過的美好周末。

To show even more love, we are throwing a free party this Saturday with all the support artists from the Ski show. That』s right a FREE party with WHOSTAR, 8UCK, JAEGER108, AUXCORP, & RAMZ. Also, Shanghai is popping with a lot of dope events this weekend such as Innersect, so for everyone flying in from out of town, it"s still a great weekend to be in the city.

SHFT愛你們!謝謝你一直以來的愛和信任。我們會儘快得到SKI MASK的新演出日期!

Gang we love you! Thank you for your continued love and trust. We will get the new dates for Ski Mask ASAP!



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