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How to treat the phenomenon that husband and wife turned against each other? How to keep the family in harmony?






Question:In nowadays society, there are lots of star couples that seemingly in harmony but actually at variance. They once loved and were happy but turned against each other in the end. It makes many people to shout that「don』t believe the true love anymore」. Please Guru tell how should we think of these impermanence? Is there any way we can practice to keep the couple love each other and the family in harmony?

Guru answers:Neither friends nor enemies are permanent. The present friends can become enemies tomorrow and vice versa. All are constantly changing and hard to control. However, there is no need to fuss, it』s just the self-nature of all phenomena.

If the loving couple really don』t want to become enemies, they have to do well from the start to the end. Actually this is nothing, you treat each other well if you can live together, don』t be too attached if you cannot stay together. Being together or not depends on the karma. The so called 「Watch the flowers blossom and wilt in front the porch, view the clouds gather and disperse in the sky」. If you can be indifferent to the honor and humiliation and calmly face the stay and go, you will be free.

Why do people live together? It』s just for happiness. If you are willing to prolong the happiness, there need mutual tolerance. 「Tolerance」 is not restraint but accepting each other』s shortcomings; 「concession」 is not casual but to give each other space.

Actually a person』s life is short and will be over soon. So we should cherish fortunes and value karmic connections, as well as follow the karma with a free and easy mind. In general, people should have wisdom in all conditions, including facing the gathering and separating of couples. Whether for the ordinary or star couples, there is the same law.



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