首頁 > 文史 > 1881墨西哥鷹洋幣


規格:直徑:3.86cm 重:26.9g

Specifications: Diameter: 3.86cm Weight: 26.9g


Introduction of the collection:


Eagle Ocean has been circulating in China for more than half a century with its unique charm, and has become an important witness of the history of Sino-Mexican exchanges.

鷹洋以其獨特魅力在中國流通半個多世紀,成為中墨交往史的重要見證。鷹洋上的圖案描繪了墨西哥人祖先阿茲特克人建國的傳說。相傳很 久 以前,太陽神為了拯救四處流浪的阿茲特克人,就託夢給他們,在哪裡見到鷹叼著蛇站在仙人掌上,就可以在哪裡定居下來。在太陽神的啟示下,阿茲特克人南下到現在墨西哥城所在地,終於看到了這一奇蹟,於是定居下來,建立了墨西哥城。墨西哥人視雄鷹為祖國的象徵,仙人掌是墨西哥的國花,象徵著墨西哥人頑強的鬥爭精神。橡樹和月桂樹枝葉則象徵著力量、忠誠與和平。

Eagle Ocean has been circulating in China for more than half a century with its unique charm, and has become an important witness of the history of Sino-Mexican exchanges. The pattern on the eagle"s ocean depicts the legend of the founding of the Aztecs of the Mexican ancestors. According to legend, a long time ago, in order to save the Aztecs who were wandering around, the Sun God gave them a dream. Wherever they saw the eagle, the snake stood on the cactus and settled there. Under the revelation of the sun god, the Aztecs went south to the present location of Mexico City and finally saw this miracle, so they settled down and established Mexico City. The Mexicans regard the eagle as a symbol of the motherland. The cactus is the national flower of Mexico and symbolizes the tenacious struggle spirit of the Mexicans. Oak and laurel branches symbolize power, loyalty and peace.


This 1881 Mexican Eagle Ocean, the silver dollar front is a winged eagle, the mouth of the long snake is standing on the cactus (national flower), on the edge of the book is Spanish "REPUBLIKAMEXIKANA (Republic of Mexico). The center of the back is a free soft hat. The cap book has the Spanish word "LIBERTAD". The light column around the cap radiates different lengths, and the pattern symbolizes strength, loyalty, peace and freedom.


Mexico has always maintained a long tradition of coinage, which has become an art. For coin lovers, collecting coins from Mexico is very precious.



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