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論文標題:The constitutive differential transcriptome of a brain circuit for vocal learning

作者:Peter V. Lovell, Nicole A. Huizinga, Samantha R. Friedrich, Morgan Wirthlin and Claudio V. Mello



近期發表在BMC Genomics上的一項研究揭示了斑胸草雀(Taeniopygia guttata)腦核的鳴聲控制系統基因差異化的表達及其與聲音模仿能力的關聯。



斑胸草雀,Taeniopygia guttata。



圖2. 斑胸草雀聲樂學習和歌唱的主要大腦區域(本文中分析的區域用紅色標出)

之前已經有研究揭示了在這些發聲腦核中部分表達的基因,但是仍然缺少對這個系統的轉錄特徵的全面描述。為了彌補這方面的空缺,來自Oregon Health and Sciences University的研究團隊對斑胸草雀聲樂控制系統中DMP的組分(即HVC,RA和nXIIts)以及AFP的X區域進行了徹底的轉錄組學分析,並與成年雄性中相鄰腦區的基因表達進行對比。鑒定出了斑胸草雀腦核中組成型表達的生物標記物。


圖3. 受到HVC,RA,nXIIts和X區差異化調節的生物標記物基因數目的韋恩圖





The ability to imitate the vocalizations of other organisms, a trait known as vocal learning, is shared by only a few organisms, including humans, where it subserves the acquisition of speech and language, and 3 groups of birds. In songbirds, vocal learning requires the coordinated activity of a set of specialized brain nuclei referred to as the song control system. Recent efforts have revealed some of the genes that are expressed in these vocal nuclei, however a thorough characterization of the transcriptional specializations of this system is still missing. We conducted a rigorous and comprehensive analysis of microarrays, and conducted a separate analysis of 380 genes by in situ hybridizations in order to identify molecular specializations of the major nuclei of the song system of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), a songbird species.


Our efforts identified more than 3300 genes that are differentially regulated in one or more vocal nuclei of adult male birds compared to the adjacent brain regions. Bioinformatics analyses provided insights into the possible involvement of these genes in molecular pathways such as cellular morphogenesis, intrinsic cellular excitability, neurotransmission and neuromodulation, axonal guidance and cela-to-cell interactions, and cell survival, which are known to strongly influence the functional properties of the song system. Moreover, an in-depth analysis of specific gene families with known involvement in regulating the development and physiological properties of neuronal circuits provides further insights into possible modulators of the song system.


Our study represents one of the most comprehensive molecular characterizations of a brain circuit that evolved to facilitate a learned behavior in a vertebrate. The data provide novel insights into possible molecular determinants of the functional properties of the song control circuitry. It also provides lists of compelling targets for pharmacological and genetic manipulations to elucidate the molecular regulation of song behavior and vocal learning.



BMC Genomics(https://bmcgenomics.biomedcentral.com/, 3.730 -2-year Impact Factor,4.257 -5-year Impact Factor) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of genome-scale analysis, functional genomics, and proteomics.

(來源:BMC Genomics)



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