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Meghan』s been given the low-down on curtsying! Duchess stoops FAR further than last year as she greets the Queen at Sandringham


素材來源:每日郵報 翻譯:世界播

A year ago, to the day, Meghan raised eyebrows when she debuted a less-than-perfect curtsy to the Queen.


But it appears the Duchess of Sussex has been practising because today, despite being pregnant, she adhered to royal protocol and knelt down much further.


Royal experts criticised Meghan last year fire for her "poor attempt" compared to Kate"s more polished effort.


This year, the pregnant Duchess pulled off a much deeper curtsy, with her hands clasped together and head bowed as a sign of respect outside the St. Mary Magdalene church in Sandringham.


Last year, Meghan"s right foot was not properly planted behind her left leg which meant she was not able to curtsy deep enough while maintaining balance.


However this year, the Duchess of Sussex was seen giving herself a much more solid platform from which to curtsy as she fully planted her right foot behind her left leg and bowed deeply out of respect.


Royal butler Grant Harrold said: "What you should be doing, for a lady, is the right foot behind the left, and then it is a gentle bob.


"You keep the hands in because you"re not a penguin."


The Duchess of Cambridge, who politely curtsied to her husband"s grandmother alongside Meghan, pulled it off with aplomb, according to Mr Harrold.


Kate kept her back straight and bent slightly at the knee in her black heels, however Meghan dipped too low and bowed her head in last year"s effort.


Princes William and Harry simply nodded their heads beside their respective other halves, in front of the gathered crowds eager to catch a glimpse of the royal family"s new "fab four".


The 37-year-old relied on Prince Harry to tell her exactly when to curtsy last year as she held onto her Chloe handbag.


But this year the Duchess, who came in on Prince Harry"s arm, chose to go chic in dark colours and high heeled black boots.


She wore a double breasted tailored £2,250 coat from the VB line, as well as a pair of boots by David Beckham"s wife. The stylish Duchess also carried a £1,200 powder box bag by the Spice Girl turned designer. However, she was matched perfectly with her husband who wore a lighter shade of blue.


The former suits actress who married Prince Harry in May also wore black, calf height boots over a dark dress, coat and matching hat with dark blue feathers protruding from it.




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