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Watchdog group urges probe of Ivanka Trump tax break role


素材來源:美聯社 翻譯:世界播

WASHINGTON (AP) — An ethics watchdog group asked the Justice Department on Friday to investigate whether President Donald Trump』s daughter Ivanka violated federal conflict-of-interest law by promoting an Opportunity Zone tax break program from which she could potentially benefit.

華盛頓(美聯社)——周五,一個道德監督組織要求司法部調查總統唐納德?特朗普的女兒伊萬卡是否違反了聯邦利益衝突法,因為她推動了一個她可能從中受益的Opportunity Zones稅收減免項目。

The complaint from the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington follows an Associated Press investigation last month. The AP found that Trump and her husband Jared Kushner, both White House advisers, could benefit from the Opportunity Zones program they pushed that offers tax breaks to developers who invest in downtrodden communities.

這份來自華盛頓公民責任和道德的投訴是在美聯社上個月的一項調查之後提出的。美聯社發現,伊萬卡和她的丈夫賈里德?庫什納都是白宮顧問,可以從他們推動的「Opportunity Zones」計劃中受益。該計劃為投資於受壓迫社區的開發商提供稅收優惠。

AP reported Kushner owns a $25 million to $50 million non-management stake in Cadre, a real estate investment firm which has announced plans to invest in several cities under the Opportunity Zones program. Separately, the couple has interests in at least 13 properties held by Kushner』s family firm that may qualify for the tax breaks because they are in Opportunity Zones in New Jersey, New York and Maryland.

據美聯社報道,庫什納在房地產投資公司持有2500萬至5000萬美元的非管理性股權。該公司已宣布計劃根據「Opportunity Zones」項目在多個城市進行投資。另外,這對夫婦在庫什納家族企業持有的至少13處房產中擁有權益,這些房產可能符合減稅條件,因為它們位於新澤西州、紐約州和馬里蘭州的Opportunity Zones。

The CREW complaint says that, under federal law, Kushner』s financial interests are considered of value to Ivanka Trump as well.


In a 12-page letter sent to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, CREW Executive Director Noah Bookbinder said that as a result of the 2017 decision by Ivanka Trump and Kushner to 「retain a sprawling portfolio of investments after entering government,」 the couple 「assumed responsibility for exercising due diligence to avoid participating in any particular matter that directly and predictably affects the interests of the companies they retained.」


Ivanka Trump, Bookbinder wrote, 「may have failed to live up to this responsibility.」


Bookbinder told the AP that CREW』s complaint focused on Ivanka Trump because 「there is so much public information about her role in the Opportunity Zones program.」

布克賓德告訴美聯社,CREW的投訴主要針對伊萬卡?特朗普,因為「關於她在『Opportunity Zone』項目中的角色,有太多的公開信息。」

The AP report noted that Ivanka Trump publicly promoted the program and coordinated with its main congressional sponsor, Republican Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina. President Trump lauded his daughter last February for 「pushing this very hard.」 Hours after the AP story ran last month, Ivanka Trump tweeted her public support for Opportunity Zones and appeared at a White House event promoting the program.

美聯社的報道指出,伊萬卡?特朗普公開宣傳了這個項目,並與主要的國會贊助者、南卡羅來納州共和党參議員蒂姆?斯科特進行了協調。去年2月,特朗普總統曾稱讚女兒「非常努力地在推動這一個計劃」。上個月,就在美聯社的報道播出幾小時後,伊萬卡?特朗普在推特上發表了她對「Opportunity zone」的公開支持,並出席了白宮宣傳該計劃的一個推廣活動。

AP reported that Kushner also backed the program, but had more limited involvement behind the scenes.


A spokesman for Abbe Lowell, the couple』s ethics lawyer, dismissed the CREW complaint as 「meritless.」 Ivanka Trump 「adheres to the ethics advice she has received from counsel about what issues she can work on and those to which she is recused,」 said the spokesman, Peter Mirijanian.


The White House did not provide a response to the complaint. Last month, administration spokesman Hogan Gidley said the White House had 「nothing to do with」 the designations of the zones.


The zones, which channel where investments are made, were chosen by state governors and agencies and then approved by Treasury Department officials.


Bookbinder said that if the Justice Department looks into the complaint, it would most likely be probed as a civil matter. But he cautioned that the department is 「not obligated to tell us what they』re doing.」




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