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2019年1月4日,中科院微生物研究所杜文斌團隊在國際學術期刊Analytical Chemistry在線發表最新研究成果,論文題目為Assembled StepEmulsification Device for Multiplex Droplet Digital PCR研究報道了一種可重複使用的微流體晶元,該晶元基於階梯乳化產生納升液滴陣列,用於同時對8個樣品進行片上多重熒光數字PCR,臨床樣本平行檢測結果驗證了其性能與美國賽默飛公司相當,為具有自主知識產權的、低成本、高通量、易用型數字PCR技術的普及奠定了基礎。


中科院微生物研究所微生物資源前期開發國家重點實驗室杜文斌團隊最近報道了一種可重複使用的微流體晶元,該晶元基於階梯乳化(Step Emulsification)產生納升液滴陣列,用於同時對8個樣品進行片上多重熒光數字PCR。裝置包含兩塊玻璃板,可實現預先填充礦物油的快速組裝。通過由單個壓力泵同時驅動8個樣品通道的階梯乳化,利用噴嘴陣列快速產生液滴,生成的液滴在U形腔室中可自組裝成單層液滴陣列,每個腔室可容納約10000個0.35nL體積的微滴。系統採用的油相配方有效避免和消除了數字PCR溫控過程中氣泡的產生,在熱循環期間不需要採用過壓控制。

團隊將該晶元應用於臨床樣本HER2拷貝數變異的定量評估,驗證了多重數字PCR性能,平行檢測結果與美國賽默飛公司的QuantStudio 3D數字PCR儀一致,這對於乳腺癌的靶向治療和預後具有重要臨床應用價值。這種低成本,可重複使用且用戶友好的設備可廣泛應用於各種應用,在普通實驗室僅需一台平板PCR儀和小型氣壓泵即可開展數字PCR擴增。晶元可在拆卸和簡單清潔程序後重複使用50次以上,顯著降低了單次數字PCR檢測的耗材成本。


杜文斌團隊一直致力於國產化數字PCR技術的研製,探索低成本差異化創新策略。其主持的國家重點研發計劃《新一代高通量數字PCR關鍵技術及應用研究》項目自2016年立項以來,自主開發了低成本界面振動乳化(Interfacial Emulsification)技術(Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89, 745-750; AnalyticalChemistry, 2016, 88, 3171-3177),完成了一體化全自動數字PCR原理樣機研發,取得了重要階段性進展。所研發的樣機可同時進行24個樣品分析,納升液滴製備、溫控擴增、及多通道熒光檢測全自動完成,檢測時間縮短至3小時。這一擁有自主知識產權的創新數字PCR系統,突破了現有仿製設備的局限,有望為低成本、高通量、易用型數字PCR技術的普及打開新的局面。


Digital PCR is a powerful method for absolute nucleic acids quantification with unprecedented accuracyand precision. To promote the wider use and application of digital PCR, several major challenges still exist, including reduction of cost, integration of instrumental platform, and simplification of operations. This paper describes are usable microfluidic device that generates a nanoliter droplet array based onstep emulsification for the on-chip multiplex digital PCR of eight samples simultaneously. The device contains two glass plates that can be quickly assembled with prefilled mineral oil. Droplets are simply generated through the arrays of step emuls ification nozzles driven by a single pressure controller and are self-assembled into monolayer droplet arrays in U-shaped chambers. The use of mineral oil eliminates bubble generation; thus, no overpressure is required during thermocycling. Moreover, the device can be reused many time safter disassembly and a brief cleaning procedure, which significantly reduces the cost of the device per dPCR assays. The device was able to detect template DNA at concentrations as low as 10 copies/μL with a dynamic range of approximately 4 logs. We applied this device in the quantitative assessment of HER2 copy number variation, which is important for targeted therapy and prognosis for breast cancer. The performance was validated by 16 clinical samples, obtaining similar results to commercial digital PCR. We envision that this low-cost, reusable and user-friendly device can be broadly applied invarious applications.


1. Mengyue Nie, Meng Zheng,Caiming Li, Feng Shen, Manhua Liu, Haibei Luo, Xiaohui Song, Ying Lan,Jianzhang Pan, and Wenbin Du.Assembled Step Emulsification Device for MultiplexDroplet Digital PCR. Anal. Chem. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b04313






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