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與埃博拉相似的Mengla virus病毒在中國蝙蝠中被發現,但未發現感染人類

中科院武漢病毒研究所,新加坡杜克-NUS醫學院的研究人員報道了他們在中國發現的一種果蝠(fruit bats)攜帶的新絲狀病毒,他們將其命名為勐臘病毒(Měnglà virus, MLAV)。該研究成果發表於1月7日的Nature Microbiology雜誌上,文章通訊作者為武漢病毒研究所石正麗(Zheng-Li Shi)研究員,以及新加坡Duke-NUS醫學院研究員王林發。值得注意的是,到目前為止,勐臘病毒尚未有感染人類的報道

該最新研究發現還在Nature Highlight專欄進行了報道。


本研究中,科研人員從雲南省西雙版納勐臘縣中的Rousettus種果蝠的肝臟中發現了三種新的絲狀病毒,其中勐臘病毒(Měnglà virus, MLAV)是他們第一個進行詳細研究的病毒。該病毒的在GenBank 的基因組序列號為 KX371887。

經過仔細比對基因序列與功能特徵,他們重建了病毒的糖蛋白,發現這種糖蛋白可以用來感染培養中的人類細胞,三種病毒的糖蛋白是通過宿主的NPC1(Niemann-Pick C1)受體進入細胞,NPC1蛋白是內嵌在細胞膜內,協助運送細胞內的膽固醇。

Fig. 1: Genetic characterization of MLAV.



Filoviruses, especially Ebola virus (EBOV) and Marburg virus (MARV), are notoriously pathogenic and capable of causing severe haemorrhagic fever diseases in humans with high lethality. The risk of future outbreaks is exacerbated by the discovery of other bat-borne filoviruses of wide genetic diversity globally. Here we report the characterization of a phylogenetically distinct bat filovirus, named Měnglà virus (MLAV). The coding-complete genome of MLAV shares 32–54% nucleotide sequence identity with known filoviruses. Phylogenetic analysis places this new virus between EBOV and MARV, suggesting the need for a new genus taxon. Importantly, despite the low amino acid sequence identity (22–39%) of the glycoprotein with other filoviruses, MLAV is capable of using the Niemann–Pick C1 (NPC1) as entry receptor. MLAV is also replication-competent with chimeric MLAV mini-genomes containing EBOV or MARV leader and trailer sequences, indicating that these viruses are evolutionally and functionally closely related. Finally, MLAV glycoprotein-typed pseudo-types transduced cell lines derived from humans, monkeys, dogs, hamsters and bats, implying a broad species cell tropism with a high risk of interspecies spillover transmission.




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