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Postdoctoral Position in Condensed Matter Theory in SJTU

The School of Physics and Astronomy in Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) invites application for a postdoctoral fellow in theoretical/computational condensed matter physics. This is a two-year appointment with possible extension by one year starting in April 2019 (or later based on mutual agreement). 

We will work on a broad range of topics in condensed matter physics such as (but not limited to) spin liquids, spin dynamics in frustrated spin systems, exotic spin texture, multiferroics, topological systems, quantum phase transitions, development of novel quantum Monte Carlo methods, etc. We will also encourage the successful candidate to collaborate with experimentalists working in related fields in SJTU. 

Due to the working visa application procedures, prospective candidates from abroad are required to complete their PhD program in theoretical physics by the time of application; applicants with Chinese citizenship must confer PhD by the starting date of the appointment. SJTU declares no discrimination among all qualified applicants. 

The review of applications starts immediately and will continue until the position is filled. To apply for this position, the following application materials, 

  1. CV with a Publication List 

  2. Summary of Prior Research (2 pages maximum) 

  3. Future Research Plans (2 pages maximum) 

  4. Contact Information for 2 Recommendation Letters 

should be sent to: 

Dr. Yoshitomo Kamiya 

School of Physics and Astronomy Shanghai Jiao Tong University Email: yoshi.kamiya@sjtu.edu.cn 

Phone: +86-15800927986



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