首頁 > 新聞 > JVI:中加科學家聯合揭示埃博拉病毒自然優勢突變的生物學功能




近日,中國科學院流感研究與預警中心(CASCIRE)成員單位中國科學院微生物研究所和巴斯德研究所科學家,與加拿大公共衛生署國家微生物實驗室華人科學家Xiangguo Qiu(邱香果)教授團隊合作,針對這三個優勢突變逐個開展研究。該研究以「Naturally Occurring Single Mutations in Ebola Virus Observably Impact Infectivity」為題發表在國際病毒學雜誌Journal of Virology上。

體外研究發現,NP蛋白R111C和L蛋白D759G突變可以提高病毒在人A549、猴Vero E6和蝙蝠Tb1.lu細胞中的複製能力;而L蛋白D759G突變卻降低了病毒在人Huh7細胞的複製能力(圖1)。

圖1.利用表達綠色熒光蛋白報告基因的埃博拉病毒評估不同突變位點(GP蛋白A82V、NP蛋白R111C、L蛋白D759G突變)對病毒複製能力的影響。A. Vero E6細胞;B. Huh7細胞;C.A549細胞;D.Tb1.lu細胞


圖2. 含有不同突變位點埃博拉病毒對1型干擾素缺失小鼠的致病性

圖3. 含有不同突變位點埃博拉病毒感染雪貂後的排毒情況


本研究系華人科學家Xiangguo Qiu(邱香果)教授利用其專有技術和平台,與祖國沈倍奮院士、夏咸柱院士、陳薇所長等中國科學團隊合作之後,又一次合作研究成果。

中國科學院流感研究與預警中心(CASCIRE)成員單位中國科學院巴斯德研究所Gary Wong博士、中國科學院微生物研究所畢玉海博士、加拿大Shihua He博士等為第一作者,中國科學院微生物研究所劉翟劉文軍研究員參與了該研究,加拿大國家微生物實驗室邱香果教授和中國科學院高福院士為通訊作者。該研究得到了國家重大科技專項、加拿大健康衛生研究等基金項目的支持。


Sequencing of Ebola virus (EBOV) genomes during the 2014-2016 epidemic identified several naturally occurring, dominant mutations potentially impacting virulence or tropism. In this study, we characterized EBOV variants carrying one of the following substitutions: A82V in the glycoprotein (GP), R111C in the nucleoprotein (NP), or D759G in the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase(L). Compared with the wild-type (WT) EBOV C07 isolate, NP and L mutants conferred a replication advantage in monkey Vero E6, human A549, and insectivorous bat Tb1.Lu cells, while L mutants displayed a disadvantage in human Huh7 cells. The replication of the GP mutant was significantly delayed in Tb1.Lu cells and similar to that of the WT in other cells. The L mutant wasless virulent, as evidenced by increased survival for mice and a significantly delayed time to death for ferrets, but increased lengths of the period of EBOV shedding may have contributed to the prolonged epidemic. Our results show that single substitutions can have observable impacts on EBOV pathogenicity and provide a framework for the study of other mutations.

IMPORTANCEDuring the Ebola virus (EBOV) disease outbreak in West Africa in 2014-2016, it wasdiscovered that several mutations in the virus emerged and became prevalent in the human population. This suggests that these mutations may play a role impacting viral fitness. We investigated three of these previously identified mutations (in the glycoprotein [GP], nucleoprotein [NP], or RNA-dependent RNA polymerase [L]) in cell culture, as well as in mice and ferrets, by generating recombinant viruses (based on an early West African EBOV strain) each carrying one of these mutations. The NP and L mutations appear to decrease virulence, whereas the GP mutation slightly increases virulence but mainly impacts viral tropism. Our results show that these single mutations can impact EBOV virulence in animals and have implications for the rational design of efficacious antiviral therapies against these infections.

1. Wong G#, He S#, Leung A#, Cao W#, Bi Y#, Zhang Z, Zhu W, Wang L,Zhao Y, Cheng K, Liu D, Liu W, Kobasa D, Gao GF, Qiu X.Naturally Occurring SingleMutations in Ebola Virus Observably Impact Infectivity.J Virol. 2018Dec 10;93(1). pii: e01098-18.

doi: 10.1128/JVI.01098-18.




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