首頁 > 文史 > 百世經典 廣東省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四厘

百世經典 廣東省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四厘


As the saying goes, " The Golden Age Collects Gone with the Golden Age". At present, China"s art market, antique market and collection market are flourishing unprecedentedly, triggering a collection craze, and people have begun to set foot in art collection and investment on a large scale. China"s folk collection market continues to be hot, obviously showing a growing domestic collection team and a vigorous development trend of " prosperous collection". Now it provides a new place for the vast number of antique investors and enthusiasts.




pecifications: diameter: 2.3 cm weight: 5.2g


( Bargaining


光緒元寶為清代貨幣,光緒年間鑄行金、銀幣較多。當時正值洋務運動時期,這股思潮也影響到了鑄幣業,兩廣總督張之洞曾於光緒十三年委託使英大臣在英國訂購 全套造幣機器,並在廣東錢局首鑄機制銀元和銅元。其後,各省紛紛仿效,購制國外機械鑄造銀,這也使得使銀幣沾染上西方色彩。


此枚藏品廣東省造光緒元寶「庫平一錢四分四厘」,藏品直徑:2.3cm。錢面:珠圈中滿漢文「光緒元寶」四字,圈外上環「廣東省造」,下環「庫平一錢四分四厘」。錢背:中心為蟠龍圖案,上下環英文:KWANG-TUNG PROVINCE(廣東省造),1 MACE AND 4.4 CANDAREENS(一錢四分四厘),左右各一十字星。


Guangxu Yuanbao was the currency of Qing Dynasty, and there were many gold and silver coins in Guangxu period. At that time, it was during the Westernization Movement, and this trend of thought also affected the coinage industry. In the 13th year of Guangxu, Governor Zhang Zhidong of Guangdong and Guangxi had commissioned British ministers to order a complete set of coinage machines in Britain, and made the first coins of silver and copper in the Guangdong Money Bureau. Since then, provinces have followed suit and purchased foreign machinery to cast silver, which has also stained silver coins with western colors.

Because of many wars since Qing Dynasty, the rare Guangxu silver ingot has suffered serious losses. Up to now, the number has been extremely limited. This kind of gold ingot is very unique. It represents not only money but also the economic situation in Guangxu period. For this reason, many collectors are flocking to find the gold ingot in the dragon pattern Guangxu to meet the needs of economic research in the Qing Dynasty.

This piece of gold ingot from Guangxu made in Guangdong province is " a quarter of a cent for a dollar in kuping" and has a diameter of 2.3cm. Qian Mian: The Chinese characters " Guangxu Yuanbao" in the Pearl Circle, the " Made in Guangdong Province" in the upper ring outside the circle, and the " Kuping 1 Yuan 4 Cents" in the lower ring. Qian Bei: The center is a flat dragon pattern, and the upper and lower rings are English: Kwang - Tung Provision ( made in Guangdong Province ), 1 MACE AND 4.4 CANDAREENS ( 4 / 4 of a dollar ), with a cross star on each side.




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