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Indian lawmakers call for TikTok ban, alleging spread of 『cultural degradation』 among teens


來源:The Verge科技資訊網站 翻譯:世界播

TikTok usage in India has led teens and young adults to participate in acts of 「cultural degradation,」 according to Indian lawmakers, who are asking the government to take action against the app.


The government appears to be listening. M. Manikandan, information technology minister of the Indian state Tamil Nadu, said the state government will recommend that TikTok be banned in Tamil Nadu, according to a report from The Economic Times. Nagapattinam lawmaker Thamimun Ansari raised the issue in the Central Legislative Assembly, telling TheEconomic Times, 「I raised an issue forwarded to me by community welfare workers that the mobile application (TikTok) was acting as a platform for heated debates inimical to law and order, and sharing of sexually-explicit material.」

政府似乎聽進去了。印度泰米爾納德邦信息技術部長M.Manikdan說,州政府將建議在泰米爾納德邦禁止抖音,《經濟時報》報道。納加帕蒂南議員Thamimun Ansari在中央立法會議上提出了這一問題,並告訴《經濟時報》。我提出了一個由社區福利工作者轉發給我的問題,即手機軟體(抖音)正在充當平台,一個提供不利於法律和秩序的激烈辯論和性信息共享的平台。」

Concern over harmful and extreme content spreading on TikTok isn』t a new issue. Users around the world have encountered different forms of extremist content while using the app, including anti-Semitic content and racist videos. Lawmakers in India grew particularly concerned after sexually explicit content — including references to possible deepfake videos — and extreme cases of bullying were reported. A story from?The?New Indian Expressreported that in December 2018, 36 teens spoke to crisis lines about experiencing cyberbullying on TikTok. One person even reportedly committed suicide following bullying over videos posted on TikTok.


While the issue doesn』t just affect users in India, a large portion of TikTok』s user base does live in India and other Asian countries. There are 20 million active users in India alone, according to statistics from January. A TikTok representative told The Verge the company was in the process of hiring a chief nodal officer based out of India in order 「to better coordinate with law enforcement agencies.」

雖然這個問題不僅影響到印度的用戶,但是抖音的大部分用戶確實生活在印度和其他亞洲國家。確實有。1月份的統計數據就表明,印度擁有2000萬活躍用戶。抖音代表告訴《The Verge》,公司正在招聘一名總部設在印度的首席節點官,以便「更好地與執法機構協調」。

「We have robust measures to protect users against misuse, including easy reporting mechanisms that enable users and law enforcement to report content that violates our terms of use and community guidelines,」 the representative added.


In spite of that, Ansari told The Economic Times that if the government does not ban the app, he and his team 「will follow up this issue seeking better regulation.」

儘管如此, Ansari 告訴《經濟時報》如果政府不禁止這款應用,他和他的團隊「將跟進這個問題,尋求更好的監管。」



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