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福報帶得走,財富帶不走 One Can Take Away Merits,But Not Wealth


Today many people have been endeavoring to make money and pursue interests, but after having experienced and suffered a lot, they end up getting nothing but desperation. There are also a few people who are really 「successful」, i.e. having got the money and attained the power, so what? The more money they own, the more afflicted they might feel; the bigger their power is, the bigger pressure they may face.


In your life, in order to obtain wealth, you have not only suffered many hardships, but also accumulated lots of bad karmas, which will follow you. Money cannot follow you, nor can the power, nor can the relatives, even nor can the 「body」 which you have been carefully maintaining throughout your life. At the point of dying, the only thing inseparable is 「karma」—good or bad. The karma you have created in your life will accompany you all your life, which means what you have done has to be endured by yourself, and nobody else can share it with you.


The wealth you have accumulated is also not yours, but others』 eventually; the power you have obtained is not yours, and finally it will belong to others. 「I am the boss」, 「I am the leader」, through fighting you get the power, but it will be owned by others ultimately. Some people have been earning and saving money throughout their lives, hating to spend it. As it turns out, either they get sick unexpectedly and all money goes to the hospital, or they die suddenly without knowing who else will take the money away.


Actually both the power and wealth are not real fortune. Real fortune is in one』s continuity of mind, in the store consciousness, which can be taken away. Do not be too attached to all other material conditions. Whether the condition comes or goes, as long as you are not affected, that would be fine.



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