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唐·麥卡林(Don McCullin),出生於1935年10月9日,是英國如今仍然在世的最偉大的攝影師之一,也是攝影簡史上的主要人物之一。


唐·麥卡林(Don McCullin)



年輕時的唐·麥卡林(Don McCullin)



唐·麥卡林(Don McCullin)

































死麻雀,赫特福德郡,1970 [與展覽中其他照片明顯不同的沖印照片-麻雀如此黑暗,看起來幾乎像剪












唐·麥卡林(Don McCullin)




唐·麥卡林(Don McCullin)




我同意梅雷斯說的一切,但我認為這不能完全解釋他作品中的陰暗面,或者說,不能完全解釋他影像中的宗教感。英國著名小說家約翰·勒·卡爾(John le Carré)寫了一篇關於麥卡林的精彩引述,麥卡林本人選擇將其納入自傳;我相信這篇引述更全面地捕捉到了這位攝影師:



麥克斯·巴斯托(Max Barstow)


麥克斯·巴斯托(Max Barstow)是一位常駐倫敦的攝影師。他對攝影的研究多是基於自學,當他還在劍橋大學國王學院學習哲學時,就已經開始了這方面的專業性工作。在一項重要的國際攝影比賽中,他的作品曾在英國國家肖像畫廊展出。Max不光一直創作著這些屢屢獲獎的照片,他還對攝影史和視覺藝術非常感興趣。總而言之,用他自己的話說就是:「我愛圖像。」

Don McCullin, born 9th October 1935, is one of Britain"s greatest living photographers, and one of the major figures in photography"s brief history. His childhood was overshadowed by poverty and the deprivations imposed by Nazi bombing raids in what was then a slum neighbourhood of London, Finsbury Park. During World War II, he was evacuated first to Somerset – a region of West England noted for its pastoral beauty (and McCullin"s present-day home) – then Lancashire in the North; neither of these stints away is recalled fondly in his autobiography, Unreasonable Behaviour. Images made throughout his life depict landscapes and hardship akin to settings he would have been intimately familiar with from his early years.

McCullin is now 83 and currently the subject of a London retrospective at one of the UK"s major galleries, Tate Britain. When I saw him briefly at the press preview, he struck me as bearing remarkable resemblance to descriptions I have read of Picasso – compact yet perfectly built and notably upright, having exceptionally alert features, and, most strikingly, as being preternaturally youthful. McCullin"s peculiar impression of agelessness is all the more striking in someone who has borne witness to such appalling suffering. It is perhaps less surprising if one reflects on the physical fortitude necessary to endure so many wars as well as the percipience required to document them so keenly and with such empathy. Simply put, it would be odd if McCullin appeared run-of-the-mill.

The retrospective spans the whole of McCullin"s career, from some of his first pictures taken around his childhood home in 1958 to very recent work made in 2018 in Homs, Syria. During the 1960s alone he photographed the construction of the Berlin Wall, conflict between Greek and Turkish Cypriots, CIA-funded mercenaries eliminating remaining Lumumbist soldiers in Congo, the Biafran-Nigerian civil war and the consequent famine conditions brought upon Biafran civillians, and the Vietnam War, with a special focus on the American fight to recapture Hu? from North Vietnamese forces.

At this juncture, there is an intermission of sorts in McCullin"s documentation of suffering – he turned his attention back towards London and the British Isles. He proceeded to make astonishingly moving photographs of the homeless in London"s East End, followed by documentation of sectarian violence in Northern Ireland between Catholics and Protestant Irish. Although there are outstanding journalistic images of war in the Middle East which follow this period, McCullin had, in my personal estimation, made his best images of conflict by this point. His images from Cyprus, Biafra, and Vietnam in particular have resonances which go far beyond the particular subject matter they record – they speak with exceptional clarity of the universal horror and madness of war. Similarly, his pictures of London"s down-and-outs are some of the most powerful photographic portraits I know. McCullin"s work of this period has a terrible beauty to it. I am aware of no other image-maker who has portrayed the darker realms of the human psyche more effectively.

I spoke to one of the retrospective"s curators, Aicha Mehrez, about McCullin, his work, and the exhibition. She began by telling me about the emphases particular to Tate"s show:"McCullin is very keen on making sure that people understand that he"s had a longstanding engagement with landscape and still-life photography". As with most serious artists, McCullin"s work does not fit into neat and tidy categories – subject-matter which emerges as a nascent interest at one point in his life crops up again in a more developed form later on in his career. Although his work during the "70s in Bradford placed a special focus on England"s Industrial North, he had taken powerful images in a similar vein during the "60s too. These are perhaps best described as social landscape images. They are landscapes with documentary content, and are as much about people as they are about the land (McCullin"s work in this field is part of a healthy photographic tradition, also exemplified in England by Bill Brandt and Chris Killip). Somewhat differently, a profoundly beautiful picture of a dead sparrow in the snow (taken in Hertfordshire in 1970), entirely lacking in documentary content, prefigures his later, purer landscape and still-life work.

The other major focus of Tate"s retrospective is McCullin"s printing. All the images displayed are silver-gelatin prints, made by McCullin himself in his home darkroom in Somerset. "He"s had shows of platinum prints or other prints he hasn"t necessarily printed himself", said Mehrez. "Curatorially, we are trying to get across the balance of his life as a conflict photographer as well as the other areas of his practice and him as a master-printer". Mehrez told me that McCullin has printed the same images "time and time again, refining and refining」, with a view to producing the most emotionally arresting print possible. Although some of the photographs on show were shot on colour film (and in some instances are shown in this format in the exhibition either as projections or in their original magazine context), all of the prints are black and white – McCullin is not a colour photographer.

The quality of McCullin』s prints is outstanding. They have a beautiful tonal range and depth, and are printed at scales which are sensitive to the photographs』 varied subject-matter and by and large uniform pictorial approach (McCullin"s style over the years is, for the most part, very consistent). Aesthetically, the darkness of the prints and the grain present in many of them almost give a sense that they have been smeared in dirt. This in no way diminishes the clarity of McCullin"s pictures, but rather enhances their sense of atmosphere. More technically, the dodging and burning (lightening and darkening of areas of the image by manually varying the exposure of individual sections of the photograph during printing) in the prints is immaculate. A not uncommon failing in otherwise excellent darkroom prints which have been as heavily manipulated as McCullin"s is the visibility of the tonal alterations made by the printer; in this instance, the changes are almost imperceptible. As a printer, McCullin is on a par with the likes of Irving Penn and Ansel Adams (two of photography』s greatest and most noted printers).

My only reservations about the show concern McCullin"s landscape and still-life work (particularly the latter). Although there are stunning landscape images dotted around the galleries which overlap with McCullin"s documentary work, the final room of the show alone is dedicated to landscape and still-life. While there are beautiful landscapes on show, there are all too few, especially given the prominence landscape photography has had in McCullin"s life since the 1980s. A recently published book of McCullin"s landscape work demonstrates that he is one the great photographers of the genre, but the limited display of his work in this field at Tate Britain does not show this. I also feel that his more recent landscape images of classical ruins are weaker than almost all his other work – they are too perfectly-made to have the potency of his other landscapes (I believe this is in part due to what I would guess to be his use of a red-spectrum filter over the lens to achieve his typically dark skies, as opposed to achieving the effect through burning in the darkroom, which emphasises the film"s grain structure, giving a less pristine appearance). Furthermore, there are just six still life photographs on show, tucked in a corner to the left of the exit. Although they make beautiful use of light and are exquisitely composed and printed, they feel somewhat empty to me. Photographers like Edward Weston and Irving Penn set an extremely high bar for still-life photography (a bar as high as that set by McCullin in the fields of conflict, documentary, and landscape photography) – based on the limited showing of McCullin"s work in this field, it does not strike me as being his natural genre.

During my interview with Aicha Mehrez, I asked her what kind of man chose to expose themselves to such danger and to engage with such suffering again and again – in short, what kind of man is Don McCullin? She replied:"He"s amazingly peaceable. He"s an incredibly kind and gentle person. He has this amazing capacity for empathy, although he"s got this dumbfounding ability to put himself in incredibly high-risk situations, although once he gets there it"s not about just documenting what"s going on, it"s about documenting the human cost… It"s this hugely earnest drive to make sure that he conveys the futility of war."

I"d go along with all of that, but I do not think it can fully account for the darkness of his work, or, for that matter, the religious sensibility in his images.There is a striking quote concerning McCullin written by the famous English novelist, John le Carré, which McCullin himself chose to include in his autobiography; I believe that it captures the photographer more completely:

"He has known all forms of fear, he"s an expert in it. He has come back from God knows how many brinks, all different. His experiences in a Ugandan prison alone would be enough to unhinge another man – like myself, as a matter of fact – for good. He has been forfeit more times than he can remember, he says. But he is not bragging. Talking this way about death and risk, he seems to be implying quite consciously that by testing his luck each time, he"s testing his Maker"s indulgence. To survive is to be condoned and blessed again."





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