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身語放輕鬆 Relaxing Your Speech and Body




In different circumstances, we can demonstrate and reveal the truth of Dharma in different ways, but our hearts must conform to the Dharma. If the mind does not correspond with the Dharma, and run counter to it, even though we behave better, and in appearance, it looks as if we were more dignified, more practiced, more diligent than others, we can change or achieve nothing at all. If our mind and realizations can correspond with the Dharma, it will be fine no matter what the appearance looks like.



In order to be agreeable to all beings, our appearance, including our behavior, must sometimes look like practitioners, but sometimes not. Sometimes it appears evil, but sometimes it appears kind. We contact with these beings and in the process of helping and benefiting them, surely we show our expressions of love or hatred on the surface; we also have expressions of joy and sadness. Many eminent monks and siddhas act in the same way, sometimes depressed, sometimes easy, sometimes happy, sometimes angry, sometimes laughing, sometimes crying, sometimes saying coarse words, and sometimes speaking softly. There is no standard on the surface.



I always emphasize that practice is just practicing your mind, and chanting the Buddhas name is just chanting your mind. All efforts should be made in your mind. Everything is good if mind is good; everything is evil if mind is evil. Evil or kind is not on the surface, not in form, but in the heart. So everyone must observe your own continuity of mind constantly, and adjust yourself, which is true practice and truly chanting the Buddhas name.



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