首頁 > 天下 > 美國華裔男生滑雪身亡,父母卻想這樣「傳宗接代」……



21歲的美國華裔Peter Zhu 是西點軍校的一名大四學生,未來他希望可以有5個孩子,和家人一起住在牧場,過田園牧歌般的生活。




「Peter』s death was a horrific, tragic and sudden nightmare that neither of us could have prepared for,」 his parents wrote in the filing, seeking a judge』s permission to obtain their son』s genetic material. 「We are desperate to have a small piece of Peter that might live on and continue to spread the joy and happiness that Peter brought to all of our lives.」


Via Washington Post Their only son died unexpectedly. But a court order to retrieve his sperm means his legacy could live on.

Via istock


「When Peter was alive, he often told us how he wanted children of his own one day, and that he wanted to give us grandchildren,」 the filing said, going on to describe the young man』s desire for five children. 「There was never any question or doubt that Peter intended to become a father.」


Via Washington Post Their only son died unexpectedly. But a court order to retrieve his sperm means his legacy could live on.


Peter was the sole male child in his family and in Chinese culture, only sons can pass down a family name, his parents wrote.


Without Peter』s children, his parents wrote that it would be 「impossible」 for the Zhu lineage to continue and the 「family name will die.」


Via Washington Post Their only son died unexpectedly. But a court order to retrieve his sperm means his legacy could live on.


In 2009, a Texas woman whose son died after he suffered injuries in a bar fight got permission to retrieve his sperm and planned to hire a surrogate, the AP reported.


Via Washington Post Their only son died unexpectedly. But a court order to retrieve his sperm means his legacy could live on.


從40多年前洛杉磯的泌尿科醫生Cappy M. Rothman首次實行此類手術一來,這種不尋常的做法讓許多人質疑其是否合乎道德。



@Carmen R: Although, I"m sorry for the family"s grief, I disagree with giving the sperm of this young man to his family without a will or written consent. His wishes of having a huge family were the wishes of a man that was alive and willing to commit to that dream himself, not through his cells posthumously.


@frantastic: I get the parents are grieving, but this is a violation of the son』s rights. I did not read anywhere in the article that the son requested it.


@Calsais: Yes, there is "biological father", but the true meaning of father is in the raising of the child.


@ILikeEephusPitches:If the parents want grandchild, instead of this, and adding to the world"s population, why not foster or adopt?



@FarTraveler: Everybody"s simplifying this. While I"m not Chinese, I am aware of their concerns about family, and I do know that one of the most important things to Chinese is to have grandchildren and great-grandchildren. From that point of view, they would be remiss not to conserve sperm so that--with a willing mother--who would have enormous support from the son"s family--they could have the grandchildren that"s every Chinese family"s dream.


@Elvisisoutside: My heart goes out to this poor grieving family who have lost a son with so much promise. I say let happen what the parents wish if it will bring them some measure of peace. This is such a tragic story.






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