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President Trump』s response to the Senate national emergency vote


Today, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) signed a resolution to disapprove of President Donald J. Trump』s national emergency for the crisis on our southern border.


The President had a one-word response for the Democrat-led bill: 「VETO!」


The stakes couldn』t be clearer, as Vice President Mike Pence laid out in an interview with Fox News. 「A vote against the President』s national emergency declaration is a vote to deny the humanitarian and security crisis that』s happening at our southern border.」

正如副總統邁克·彭斯在接受福克斯新聞採訪時所闡述的那樣,其中的利害關係已經不能像這樣更明確了。 「投票反對總統的國家緊急聲明就是投票否認我們南部邊境正在發生的人道主義和安全危機。」

This morning, three state Attorneys General explained the Constitutional authority President Trump used in declaring the national emergency. 「Unlike President Barack Obama, who unlawfully used executive power to create new laws or rewrite laws Congress enacted, President Trump is lawfully using executive power to address a crisis worsened by congressional inaction,」 Ken Paxton (R-TX), Curtis Hill (R-IN), and Jeff Landry (R-LA) write.

今天上午,三個州的總檢察長解釋了川譜總統在宣布國家緊急狀態時所使用的憲法權力。 「不同於美國總統巴拉克?奧巴馬非法使用行政權來制定新法律或重寫國會頒布的法律,川譜總統合法地使用行政權來解決因國會不採取行動而惡化的危機,」 - 肯·帕克斯頓(德克薩斯州),柯蒂斯·希爾(印第安納州)和傑夫·蘭德里(洛杉磯)寫道。

「The facts matter — these facts show the president has acted lawfully and within the scope of discretion Congress and the people vested in him. Congress should support President Trump.」

「事實很重要 - 這些事實表明,總統已經合法地行事,並且在國會和人民授予的自由裁量權範圍內。國會應該支持川譜總統。「


Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after the Senate passed the House-passed bipartisan resolution to terminate the President』s unlawful emergency declaration:


「The Congress has now voted on an overwhelming and bipartisan basis to reject President Trump』s effort to ignore the Constitution with his sham emergency declaration.


「President Trump』s emergency declaration is an unlawful power grab that does violence to the Constitution and fundamentally alters the separation of powers.


「This is not an emergency, and the Congress has declared in a strong bipartisan voice that the President』s fearmongering doesn』t make it one.」





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