首頁 > 設計 > 鄉土風情的度假小屋,每一個都由80根竹條構成,形成有韻律,起伏的屋頂景觀


VTN architects(vo trong nghia architects)公布了在越南海濱度假勝地的設計方案,其位於越南 Ca Ba Archipelago 的小島私人海灘上。




VTN architects (vo trong nghia architects) designs castaway island resort along the shore of a touristic vietnamese island in cat ba archipelago. the bamboo destination, which can accommodate up to 160 guests, is only accessible by a two hour boat journey from hai phong port. the private, tropical beach is engulfed on one side by a beautiful mountain range and on the other by an expansive shore of white sand. the resort consists of five huts, a restaurant and a pavilion, which are designed to immerse the guests in nature. gently occupying the white-sand shore, the structure』s materiality is respectful of the environment as it is both integrated with its natural surroundings without damaging the gulf. while construction began in 2017, the completed resort was unveiled at the beginning of this year.

VTN architects(vo trong nghia architects)的竹結構覆蓋著茅草屋頂,表達了真實的越南文化體驗,同時減少了對環境的影響。細竹條(tam vong),每根直徑僅40-50毫米,由竹條組裝並用繩子綁紮。



the bamboo structure by VTN architects (vo trong nghia architects) is covered with thatched roof, expressing an authentic vietnamese cultural experience as well as reducing environmental impact. the thin rods of bamboo (tam vong), each measuring only 40-50 millimeters in diameter, are assembled by bamboo dowel nail and tightened by rope. the material is treated with a traditional method which involves soaking the bamboo in mud and then smoking it. the dining space is enclosed by a expressive hyperbolic shell structure, generating a semi-outdoor area for social gathering and interaction. each of the thirteen bamboo shell units is built of 80 straight bamboo rods, resulting in a rhythmic, undulating roof landscape.



這些竹結構竹結構既可以為遊客們提供難忘的體驗,又可以在他們乘船前往小島時作為醒目的地標。在那裡許多船隻巡航通過cat ba島。儘管該項目已建成,但該遺址自然保存完好,自然環境也得到保護。

five living units are built as a row of modular bamboo framed huts which offer an intimate space for each guest. these frames are assembled on site to accelerate construction time and ensure quality of craft. an assemblage of recycled timber shutters, typically used in traditional vietnamese colonial villas, form the huts』 fa?ade. these bamboo structures not only enhance guests experience on the island but become a landmark of this popular tourist destination, where many boats cruise through the cat ba archipelago. despite the construction of the project, the site is left intact and the nature preserved.

建築師:VTN architects




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