首頁 > 新聞 > Cell:計算機輔助設計的RSV納米顆粒疫苗可產生有效的中和抗體


近日,瑞士提契諾大學和美國華盛頓大學單位等合作,在國際期刊Cell雜誌上發表了題為Induction of Potent Neutralizing Antibody Responses by a Designed Protein Nanoparticle Vaccine for Respiratory Syncytial Virus的研究論文。研究通過結構設計,將RSV融合前結構的穩定突變三聚體(DS-Cav1)以高密度的重複排列的形式呈現於自組裝的蛋白質納米顆粒表面,並在小鼠和非人靈長類動物誘導出較三聚體的全價納米顆粒更強的中和抗體水平,為RSV等疫苗的研發提供了又一新的

人呼吸道合胞病毒(Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus,簡稱HRSV或RSV)是引起小兒病毒性肺炎最常見的病原,可引起間質性肺炎,及毛細支氣管炎。RSV感染已成為一個全球性的公共衛生問題,雖然有不少針對RSV的疫苗研究,但目前尚無上市的有效疫苗。

RSV F糖蛋白的預融合結構的闡明及其中和抗體主要靶點的鑒定為有效疫苗的開發提供了新的機遇。但由於融合前體結構的不穩定,其構象非常容易轉變為融合後的結構,因此難以直接利用該結構進行疫苗設計。


Figure . Physical Stabilization of DS-Cav1 by Fusion to I53-50A



?Design of a self-assembling protein immunogendisplaying 20 copies of prefusion RSV F

?In vitro assembly yields highly ordered immunogenswith tunable antigen density

?The nanoparticle immunogens induce potentneutralizing antibody responses

?Fusion of DS-Cav1 to the trimeric nanoparticlesubunit stabilizes the antigen


Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a worldwide public health concern for which no vaccine is available. Elucidation of the prefusion structure of the RSV F glycoprotein and its identification as the main target of neutralizing antibodies have provided new opportunities for development of an effective vaccine. Here, we describe the structure-based design of a self-assembling protein nanoparticle presenting a prefusion-stabilized variant of the F glycoprotein trimer (DS-Cav1) in are petitive array on the nanoparticle exterior. The two-component nature of the nanoparticle scaffold enabled the production of highly ordered, mono disperse immunogens that display DS-Cav1 at controllable density. In mice and non humanprimates, the full-valency nanoparticle immunogen displaying 20 DS-Cav1 trimers induced neutralizing antibody responses ~10-fold higher than trimeric DS-Cav1. These results motivate continued development of this promising nanoparticle RSV vaccine candidate and establish computationally designed two-component nanoparticles as a robust and customizable platform for structure-based vaccine design.

Marcandalli J, Fiala B, Ols S, Perotti M, devan der Schueren W, Snijder J, Hodge E, Benhaim M, Ravichandran R, CarterL, Sheffler W, Brunner L, Lawrenz M, Dubois P, Lanzavecchia A, SallustoF, Lee KK, Veesler D, Correnti CE, Stewart LJ, Baker D, Loré K, PerezL, King NP.Induction of Potent Neutralizing Antibody Responses by a Designed Protein Nanoparticle Vaccine for Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Cell. 2019 Mar 7;176(6):1420-1431.e17.

doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.01.046.




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