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做生意時總被人欺騙為什麼?Why did I always get deceived when doing business?


Question: I always do business with kind thoughts, but I get deceived all the time. What is the reason?




Guru"s answer: You have this situation when doing business while the others don』t. What is the reason? It is not a coincidence but your karma. Currently you don』t understand it and you are not wise enough. You didn』t get deceived by others. It was you to cheat others. Why do I say so? As are the causes, so are the effects. The effect will only come after the cause.




Every sentence told by Buddha is truth, so are the causes and effects. You must reap what you have sowed. What goes around comes around. Causal loop is a normal law of nature. Someone cheated you in this life; it must because you did this to him in the past life.




In fact, everyone has these karmas in his alaya consciousness, which are not just mature yet. The maturation of karmic obscuration could be a good thing and you can change your mentality by thinking that it is from my causality and karmic obscuration. If I didn』t do such things before, it is impossible to have these experiences right now. I myself is the person who should be blamed and hated for. It is the karma that I made in the past lives and belongs to my own karmic obscuration. By putting this way, you won』t have complaints and frustration but just feel calm. Consider it as paying off the debt. When you settle your debts, you won』t suffer from the consequences any more.



然後你再想:「這都是自己的冤親債主,都是來討債的。這是我還債的一個機會,我應該布施給他們。」 如果真能這樣發心,你就種下了善根,積累了福報。這樣怨恨就沒有了。否則,即使你再怨恨,再怕吃虧,也無法阻止果報現前。你還不如把這些都當做布施,施捨給他們。這樣,你就等於種下了善根,積累了福報,你所得到的也會更多。心態平和了,生意好了,這不就是解脫了嘛!

You can also put this way by thinking that they are my karmic creditors who want to collect the debt now. This is a chance for me to pay off the debt and I should make offering to them. If you can generate such aspiration, you will plant a seed of good roots and accumulate merits. Complaints will vanish thereafter. Otherwise, no matter how much you hate or fear to lose, you cannot stop the maturation of the consequences. Also, you can make it as practicing generosity and provide offering to them. By doing this, you plant a seed of good roots and accumulate merits. You will reap more in return. When you feel calm and run your business better, you get liberated from it then.




Change your mentality in external conditions and transfer them into good experiences, it is practice performing. Practice doesn』t ask you to escape from reality but face it instead. Now you feel frustrated and have many complaints in your heart. If you believe in causality and use it to overcome your own karmic obscuration, all these troubles and karmas will vanish.



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