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光緒元寶是清朝光緒年間流通的貨幣之一。由湖北兩廣總督張之洞率先引進英國鑄幣機器鑄造銀元和銅元,之後各省紛紛仿效。共有十九個省局鑄造,除中央戶部,地方省所鑄銅元,皆在其正面上緣鐫寫省名 。湖北省造光緒元寶1898年發行,成色為95%。

近日,廈門伯得富有幸徵集到「湖北省造光緒元寶當十」一枚,銅幣規格為:直徑:2.8cm 重:7.0g 。該銅幣正面珠圈內鑄漢書「光緒元寶」字樣,中央六瓣梅花紋飾,圈外上環書「湖北省造」,下環書「當十」,左右各書有滿文錢局名。銅幣背面外圈頂部余部用小號英文標準字體銘「大清帝國銅幣」字樣,中心為蟠龍圖,紋飾精美,龍鱗細膩,線條優美,流暢堪然,鑄造工藝精湛,定睛一看彷彿一條翱翔天際的神龍,栩栩如生,惟妙惟悄。上下環英文,左右各一圓點心。錢幣正面鮮然可見滿漢文化的融合,而錢背卻明確標示了西方文化的介入。銅幣品相完好,字體、圖案都符合當時的鑄造特徵,滿文書法根基牢固、運筆自如、渾厚有力,紋飾的相貫線顯得非常清晰,字口、紋路和邊齒深峻,銅幣包漿入骨,流通痕迹自然,邊齒對。其版面設計優雅,雕刻精良,而且存世量極為稀少,是錢幣收藏中知名度很大的一種,具有無法估量的學術與歷史價值,歷來都受到很多藏家的關注。



The mechanism ancient coin is a kind of brand-new currency produced in the late qing dynasty, which is not only a means of Commodity Exchange, but also a special cultural carrier. Among them, yuanbao of guangxu dynasty is the most well-known. It is not only a special commodity but also an exquisite artwork, which reflects the political, economic, cultural and artistic conditions of the late qing dynasty and the republic of China. Therefore, its value is discovered by more and more people and collected by more and more people.

Yuanbao was one of the currency in circulation during the reign of emperor guangxu of the qing dynasty. It was first introduced by zhang zhidong, governor of hubei, guangdong and guangdong provinces. A total of 19 provincial bureau casting, in addition to the central ministry of households, the local province by the copper yuan, all engraved on its front margin province name. Hubei province made guangxu yuan bao issued in 1898, into 95%.

Recently, xiamen bodefu was lucky to collect "hubei province made guangxu ingot when 10" a copper coin specifications: diameter: 2.8cm weight: 7.0g. On the front side of the coin, the Chinese character "guangxu ingot" is cast inside the pearl ring, with the central six-petal plum blossom pattern. Outside the ring, the Chinese characters "made in hubei province" are written on the upper ring, while the Chinese characters "dang shi" are written on the lower ring. Copper COINS on the back of the top of the outer circle with small English standard font "qing dynasty imperial copper COINS" words, the center of the coiling dragon diagram, fine decoration, fine dragon scale, fine lines, smooth, superb casting technology, eyes as if a flying dragon, lifelike, but wonderful but qiao. Upper and lower ring English, about a dot heart. The fusion of manchu and han cultures can be seen clearly on the coin front, while the money back clearly indicates the intervention of western culture. The appearance of copper COINS was intact, the fonts and patterns were in line with the casting characteristics at that time. The manchu calligraphy had a solid foundation, and the writing brush was free and powerful. The intersecting lines of decorative patterns appeared very clear. Its layout design is elegant, well-carved, and rare in the world, is a coin collection of great popularity, with immeasurable academic and historical value, has always been the concern of many collectors.

The yuanbao made in guangxu county of hubei province is not only a high-quality product among modern Chinese COINS, but also a revolutionary cultural relic with high value. The earthshaking history of the qing dynasty is all depicted in this small coin, which is of great historical significance. Inheriting and inheriting the millennial currency culture is not only a great progress in history, but also enables us living in the modern society to see the truth of history.

As one of the exquisite COINS in modern COINS, yuanbao made in guangxu county of hubei province disappeared and damaged due to the historical circulation and the outbreak of war. It does have unique style and rich cultural connotation. The dragon is the symbol of China, the symbol of Chinese national culture. It has the historical edification, is the high value revolutionary cultural relic, has the profound historical commemoration significance; At the same time, archaeology and the study of Chinese history and culture are rare objects. Has the extremely high investment value and the collection value.



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