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銀元之最 墨西哥鷹洋幣





此件藏品墨西哥鷹洋幣正面是一展翅雄鷹,嘴叼長蛇(花邊鷹洋蛇尾與鷹翅相連)單腿立在仙人掌(國花象徵著墨西哥人頑強的鬥爭精神)上,邊緣上方書西班文"REPUBLICA MEXICANA(墨西哥共和國)。背面中央為一頂自由軟帽。帽檐書有西班牙文"LIBERTAD(自由)"字樣。帽周圍放射長短不一的光柱(花邊鷹洋自由帽頂部的3支光柱中間一支較短)圖案象徵著力量、忠誠、和平和自由。邊緣下半方鑄有8R.M.1881.M.H.10D.20G.字樣,字體規整,品相極好。墨西哥一直保持著悠久的鑄幣傳統,在世界上享有聲譽,許多國家都委託墨西哥鑄幣,這已經成為一種藝術。此枚精品銀幣錢文輪廓的清晰程度好,質量、工藝、成色堪稱一流,對於集幣愛好者來說,這枚墨西哥的鷹洋幣,具有很高的歷史價值、藝術價值和收藏價值。

With the implementation of gold standard and Silver standard in various countries, the sources of foreign silver dollars are dwindling. In 1919, the government of the Republic of China issued a decree banning all foreign silver coins from circulation in our country"s market. In the monetary reform of New China after liberation, the vast majority of old silver coins were confiscated and exchanged. So far, the foreign silver dollar has dropped to a historical low in Quantity, which has also led to a rise in its position in the collection market.

In 1890 (15th year of Guangxu"s reign), with the founding of Long Yang in China, the situation that foreign silver coins such as Benyang and Mexico Silver dominated the country was broken at one stroke. In the second and third years of the Republic of China (1911 and 1912), the government of the Republic of China successively issued silver coins like Sun Yat-sen and Yuan Shikai (commonly known as small head and big head). Due to the excellent casting work, unified standards and the gradual awakening of the democratic economic consciousness of our working people, It soon took a dominant position in the circulation of the market. Foreign silver coins soon became weak. In 1914 (the fifth year of the Republic of China), the government of the Republic of China ordered a large number of foreign silver coins to be recycled as raw materials for casting silver coins in China. A large number of Mexican silver coins were melted down and flowed out of the country.

Legend of the founding of the Aztecs, the ancestors of Mexicans. Legend has it that a long time ago, in order to save the wandering Aztecs, the sun god gave them dreams. he could settle down wherever he saw an eagle standing on a cactus with a snake in his mouth. Inspired by the sun god, the aztecs moved south to the present location of Mexico city and finally saw this miracle. they settled down and established Mexico city.

Mexican silver coins was also called "Mexican Silver" or "Mexico Silver" and later falsely referred to as "British Ocean". The history of Mexican coinage can be traced back to the 16th century. Because Mexico is rich in non-ferrous metals such as silver, the ancient Indian aztecs have long mastered the superb skills of processing precious metals such as gold, silver and copper into articles for daily use, ornaments and sacrificial utensils.

The Mexican Mexico Silver dollar in this collection has a spreading eagle on the front, a long snake in its mouth (lace Mexico Silver"s tail is connected to the eagle"s wing) standing on one leg on a cactus (the national flower symbolizes the Mexican"s tenacious fighting spirit), and a Spanish book "Republic of Mexico" on the edge. In the middle of the back is a free bonnet. The brim book has the words "LIBERTAD" in Spanish. The pattern of light beams of different lengths radiating around the cap (one of the three light beams at the top of Liberty cap in Mexico Silver is shorter) symbolizes strength, loyalty, peace and freedom. 8R.M.1881.M.H.10D.20G characters are cast on the lower half of the edge, with regular fonts and excellent appearance. Mexico has always maintained a long tradition of coinage and enjoys a reputation in the world. Many countries have commissioned Mexican coinage, which has become an art. The Qian Wen outline of this fine silver coin has good clarity, and its quality, workmanship and fineness are first-class. For coin collectors, this Mexican Mexico Silver coin has high historical value, artistic value and collection value.



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