首頁 > 趣味 > 爆料人:嬰兒在醫院感染致死?醫院這樣回應……





Health authorities in South China"s Guangdong Province are investigating after three newborns died in a top hospital, allegedly after being infected with a virus.


An official from Shunde Hospital of Southern Medical University in Foshan, Guangdong told the Global Times on Thursday that experts from provincial and municipal health bureaus had arrived to look into the deaths.

位於廣東佛山的南方醫科大學順德醫院醫務科的一名工作人員本周四告訴Global Times記者,省市的衛生健康局都已經入駐醫院,探查這起死亡事件。

The incident came to public attention after a netizen, who said he was the father of one of the newborns, disclosed on social media that a few days after his baby was born, the child was infected with a strain of enterovirus, which can cause a range of symptoms from the mild to the more serious.


The post on WeChat, under the user name wuchangqi, said his baby died because of internal bleeding, brain hemorrhage and multiple organ failure. The post alleged that two other newborns had died with similar symptoms in the past month, and suggested that they were all infected at the hospital.



"Many newborns were transferred to other hospitals after infection, they showed various degree of illness," said wuchangqi.

「眾多新生兒因感染被迫轉院,病情輕重不一。」 「吳昌奇」寫道。


The post called on the hospital to publicly reveal how many babies were infected and whether the hospital was the source of the virus.


A vice director of the medical department at Shunde Hospital, surnamed Liang, told the Global Times on Thursday that three babies had died, but on different days and that their symptoms were different.


After the post circulated online and caused a public outcry, the hospital announced Wednesday on its website that they felt deep regret and sadness about the tragic death of the newborns. It vowed to actively cooperate with the investigations.

由於這篇文章迅速在網上傳播開來(微信上的閱讀量「十萬 」),公眾群起聲討,南方醫科大學順德醫院本周三在官網上發布聲明,稱「對於新生兒的不幸死亡,我院甚感惋惜和痛心!醫院表示會積極配合調查。

Foshan health bureau announced on Thursday on its website that they would direct the treatment and infection prevention on babies, and would supervise and investigate the case.



文/翻譯:Xu Keyue





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