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The family of a Chinese student admitted to Stanford paid $6.5 million to the man at the heart of the college admissions scandal, whom they met through a Morgan Stanley financial advisor, sources familiar with the case told The Times.


Yusi Zhao, who also goes by Molly, was admitted to Stanford in the spring of 2017, and her family, who live in Beijing, paid Newport Beach college consultant William 「Rick」 Singer the seven-figure sum for the work he did to get their daughter into the highly selective school, according to sources familiar with the case.


Family in China paid $6.5 million to college admissions fixer for a spot at Stanford, sources say (via latimes)

圖 via stanforddaily


Yusi was expelled after the University discovered that her application contained falsified sailing credentials linked to a $500,000 payment to the University』s sailing program. She moved out of her on-campus residence on March 30, according to sources familiar with the matter — three days before the University announced the expulsion in a press release on April 2.


Expelled student』s family paid $6.5 million in scandal to secure her admission to Stanford (via stanforddaily)


To ensure Zhao was admitted to Stanford, Singer targeted the school』s sailing program, putting her forth as a competitive sailor despite there being no indication she competed in the sport, sources familiar with the case said.


It was not immediately known with whom Singer worked inside the university. Stanford』s former sailing coach, John Vandemoer, has pleaded guilty to racketeering and admitted to working with Singer.


Family in China paid $6.5 million to college admissions fixer for a spot at Stanford, sources say (via latimes)


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For parents who wanted an expert test taker to take or correct their children』s college entrance exams, Singer admitted to typically charging $15,000 to $50,000, while those who wanted to access Singer』s 「side door」 — his term for using bribes to secure admission slots reserved for recruited athletes — typically paid about $250,000, according to court records and Singer』s admission.


The only others known to have paid Singer more than a million dollars are the parents of Sherry Guo, who paid $1.2 million for help getting their daughter into Yale, Guo』s attorney has said. They have denied any wrongdoing through their attorney, and have not been charged.

目前已知另一個付了辛格一百多萬美元的人是Sherry Guo的父母,他們花了120萬美元幫助女兒進入耶魯大學。但他們通過律師否認自己有任何不當行為,也沒有受到指控。

Family in China paid $6.5 million to college admissions fixer for a spot at Stanford, sources say (via latimes)


辛格 圖 via AP

「The amount alone shows that he was preying on the Chinese community,」 Guo』s attorney told The New York Times, speaking to the Guo family』s payment.

Sherry Guo的律師在接受《紐約時報》採訪時表示:「單是這筆錢就表明,辛格是在掠奪華人社區的利益。」

Expelled student』s family paid $6.5 million in scandal to secure her admission to Stanford (via stanforddaily)


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資料:latimes,stanforddaily,綜合知識分子(ID: The-Intellectual)



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