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Instagram model blasted for vandalizing historic statue


來源:福克斯新聞 翻譯:世界播

One Instagram model has been slammed on social media for defacing a 200-year-old statue in Poland, reportedly in hopes of gaining more followers.


In recent days, influencer Julia Slonska has been blasted for a 6-second video in which she knocks the nose off an angel statue in Warsaw』s Swiss Valley Park, Metro reports.


Twitter users didn』t find the so-called prank quite so funny, with some declaring her actions as 「dumb and brainless」 while others echoed that she should be jailed for the crime.


In the clip, the woman makes eye contact with the camera and knocks the nose off the statue with a few swift strokes of a hammer. Cackling laughter can be heard in the background, and the clip ends; the footage has since been viewed more than 5,000 times on YouTube.


According to Metro, Slonska and her pal pulled off the stunt in search of social media fame. Slonska currently has more than 6,000 followers on Instagram.


Twitter users didn』t find the so-called prank quite so funny, however, with some declaring her actions as 「dumb and brainless」 while others echoed that she should be jailed for the crime.


The video was later removed from the platform, as per the outlet, and Slonska supposedly deleted her Facebook as well.


After the backlash, the model has been reportedly dropped from an advertising partnership with Polish online bank mBank.


「We definitely do not support such behavior, and the appropriate services should deal with it. As for the responsibility for what the actress does many weeks after the completed photos are taken — we cannot be responsible for the individual choices of such people,」 reps for the company said, as per Metro. 「We do not plan to involve this girl in the next spots.」


Slonska, meanwhile, is said to have expressed remorse for the vandalism.


"I"m so stupid. I will not say what was driving me, why I did it, because it is more of a private affair, but I really want to apologize to everyone,」 she said, as per LADbible.


Neither Slonska nor mBank immediately returned Fox News』 request for comment on the story.


For now, the woman appears to have turned off comments on her Instagram page.




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