首頁 > 新聞 > Cell Reports:清華大學張林琦團隊解析艾滋病病毒適應新宿主和免疫逃逸的分子機制

Cell Reports:清華大學張林琦團隊解析艾滋病病毒適應新宿主和免疫逃逸的分子機制

2019年5月28日,清華大學醫學院張林琦教授課題組在國際期刊Cell Reports《細胞快報》在線發表題為A single substitutionin gp41 modulates the neutralization profile of SHIV during in vivo adaptation(艾滋病病毒表面蛋白單點氨基酸突變調節中和抗體敏感性)的研究論文首次從中國流行的艾滋病病毒中挑選構象「開放」的表面蛋白,構建猴人雜合艾滋病病毒SHIV,利用恆河猴模型開展SHIV在適應新宿主過程中的病毒變異、生物學活性和免疫逃逸機制研究。

艾滋病(AIDS)是威脅人類健康的重大傳染性疾病之一,儘管世界各地投入大量的人力和物力,但至今仍無有效的疫苗和根治的手段。艾滋病病毒(Human Immunodeficiency virus, HIV)是引發AIDS的主要病原,HIV-1包膜糖蛋白(Env)是進入細胞的關鍵鑰匙,也是人體抗體反應和疫苗研發的重要靶標,在介導病毒進入和逃避抗體中和之間保持著微妙的平衡。如何在這兩種相互矛盾的作用中調整其結構,使其有效傳播和適應新宿主是本研究的重點科學問題。

研究發現,病毒為了適應新宿主,其表面蛋白Env產生大量突變,並從「開放」構象快速轉變為「閉合」構象,從而達到提高感染效率和免疫逃逸的雙重目的。研究團隊通過病毒基因組學、定點單氨基酸突變、入侵細胞能力、中和抗體敏感性和結構生物學等系統研究,發現表面蛋白gp41 HR2區域中E658K單點氨基酸突變對病毒適應新宿主和免疫逃逸起到關鍵作用,對多種亞型病毒有著類似的效應。

圖註:gp41 HR2區域中E658K氨基酸單點突變對HIV-1膜蛋白結構、中和敏感性、感染能力的調控以及對免疫原設計的幫助




The HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) maintains a delicate balance between mediating viral entry and escaping antibody neutralization. Adaptation during transmission of neutralization-sensitive Envs with an 「open」 conformation remains poorly understood. By passaging a replication-competent simian-human immunodeficiency virus carrying a highly neutralization-sensitive Env (SHIVCNE40) in rhesusmacaques, we show that SHIVCNE40 develops enhanced replication kinetics associated with neutralization resistance against antibodies and autologous serum. A gp41 substitution, E658K, functions as the major determinant for these properties. Structural modeling and functional verification indicate that the substitution disrupts an intermolecular salt bridge with the neighboring protomer, thereby promoting fusion and facilitating immune evasion. This effect is applicable across diverse HIV-1 subtypes. Our results highlight the critical role of gp41in shaping the neutralization profile and the overall conformation of Envduring viral adaptation. The unique intermolecular salt bridge could potentially be utilized for rational vaccine design involving more stable HIV-1 envelope trimers.

1.Qian Wang, Lihong Liu, Wuze Ren, Agegnehu Gettie, Hua Wang, Qingtai Liang, Xuanling Shi, David C. Montefiori, Tongqing Zhou, Linqi Zhang.A Single Substitution in gp41 Modulates the Neutralization Profile of SHIV during In Vivo Adaptation.Cell Reports,2019,27(9): 2593-2607.e5.






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