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Re:Request to remove the NYC Department of Education Chancellor

To the Honorable NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio:

Chancellor Richard Carranza oversaw adistrict with 56,000 students and now he oversees over a million students. At his appointment Press Conference he stated that there is "no daylight" between himself and the mayor on their beliefs. Having the individuals in-charge on the same page is a good thing. However, that cannot be the only nor the most integral qualifier for attaining a position with so much weight. When in San Francisco, he failed to get low scores in the African American students to improve on the Standardized t ests; eventually moving on to Houston for a short time. Now, after failing to improve standardized test grades, in New York Cityheisinsupportofsimplyeliminatingthestandardizedtests.ItisforthesereasonsIfeelthe current Chancellor should resign or be removed from hisposition.

We, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of NY, feel that the current Chancellor of the NYC Department of Education has implemented divisive policies and is not capable enough to be at the helm of the largest public school system in the country. His record does not show him to be qualified enough for this position. Mr. Richard A. Carranza has no strong record in a large district and the record he does have is an ignominious one. In a suit, an employee of Mr.Carranza stated that he created a 「hostile environment for women" after she saw him flirting with another woman while married. The suit was settled and no matter if he was named in the suit or not, having a person with that on their record is not something the children should lookup to.

TheadmissionratestothespecializedhighschoolsamongAfricanAmericans, Latinoandother minority students have been declining. This indicates that the problem is with the educational policies in the local communities and NOT with the SHSAT. Changing the acceptance rates without addressing the root cause of the issue will NOT improve the schools. The p_olicy of eliminatingtheSHSATisonlyasuperficialfix.Itisadisservicetotheschoolsin the African

opportunities for Asian American students, who are also a minority group at the low end of the income spectrum.

We, at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of NY, the Asian Pacific Islander AmericanPublic Affairs Association, NY are deeply concerned about the racial discrimination and tension the plan engenders. Is the priority statistics and political agendas or is it about aquality education and fair educational policies?

Fixing the broken system, building comprehensive teachingprograms and improving

educational 叩alit y are the solutions that will benefit future generations of all races.

Unfortunately, the carpetbagger Carranza doesn"t have the credentials to accomplish these goals or to keep his current position. Instead, he has shown himself to be a misanthropic individual who plays at being Chancellor .

For these reasons, he should either resign or be removed from his position. Let us move forward towards a more positive future for our children. Bring meritocracy back and let it be an example for the future generations.



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