首頁 > 趣味 > 她穿成這樣,被說讓人「分心」,差點被趕下飛機……



當地時間6月30日,一位名叫羅維(Latisha "Tisha" Rowe)的美國得克薩斯州家庭醫生和她8歲的兒子,結束了牙買加一周的度假休閑,準備乘坐美國航空公司的班機,從牙買加的金士頓飛往佛羅里達州的邁阿密。

(圖 via Getty)


Rowe claimed that a flight attendant approached her after boarding the aircraft and asked her to deplane. Once outside, she was met by another another attendant who inquired if she had a jacket before explaining that the ensemble she was wearing, a printed strapless romper, was deemed 「too distracting」 by members of the flight crew.


Rowe alleged she was then told she needed to cover up. If she was not able to find acceptable attire, she and her son would not be allowed to fly.


American Airlines Apologizes After Flight Attendants Make Doctor Cover Up Outfit with Blanket (via People)


(圖 via CNN)



After she wrapped the blanket around her waist, she said, another flight attendant came up and warned her not to make a scene, despite the fact that she was deliberately behaving calmly to avoid escalating the situation.


"I said, "I"ve complied with your request, please let me on the plane." Three times I had to say that before they actually let me on the plane," Rowe said. "Three times that I did not argue with them, fuss with them, and had a blanket wrapped around before they parted their physical barrier to let me on the plane."


American Airlines made a doctor wrap a blanket around herself because a flight attendant found her summer outfit "inappropriate"(via Business Insider)


(圖 via Twitter)

"My shorts covered EVERYTHING but apparently was too distracting to enter the plane," she said in a separate tweet.


Rowe, who identifies as black, said black women face a double standard.


"We are policed for being black. Our bodies are over sexualized as women and we must ADJUST to make everyone around us comfortable. I"ve seen white women with much shorter shorts board a plane without a blink of an eye."


Woman was humiliated when American Airlines made her wrap a blanket over her summer outfit, lawyer says (via CNN)


And while she says she defended her outfit to flight attendants, she told Insider.com she stopped after she saw that her son was fighting back tears, embarrassed.


She added that her son spent the flight in tears, with a blanket over his head.


American Airlines Apologizes After Flight Attendants Make Doctor Cover Up Outfit with Blanket (via People)

對於此次事件,美國航空發言人吉爾森(Shannon Gilson)通過一份聲明表示,公司正在對這起事件進行調查。

"We were concerned about Dr. Rowe"s comments, and reached out to her and our team at the Kingston airport to gather more information about what occurred. We apologize to Dr. Rowe and her son for their experience, and have fully refunded their travel. We are proud to serve customers of all backgrounds and are committed to providing a positive, safe travel experience for everyone who flies with us," Gilson said in a statement.


Woman was humiliated when American Airlines made her wrap a blanket over her summer outfit, lawyer says (via CNN)

(圖 via shutterstock.com)


In 2017, United Airlines faced backlash after forbidding two young girls from a flight because they were wearing leggings that a crew member deemed inappropriate. One of the children was 10 years old.


American Airlines Apologizes After Flight Attendants Make Doctor Cover Up Outfit with Blanket (via People)


整合:Du Qiongfang

原文:CNN, People, Business Insider

圖/題圖:CNN, Getty, Twitter, shutterstock.com



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