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meet one』s Waterloo

English speakers describe something as their 『Waterloo』, or use the expression 『to meet one』s Waterloo』 when describing a decisive, resounding defeat.




Paul met his Waterloo in the tennis match with Sue.


The politician』s Waterloo came in the General Election, which cost him his seat in Parliament.


The protesters met their Waterloo when the police arrived.



The phrase references one of the most famous battles in European history: the battle of Waterloo. At the beginning of the 19th century, Napoleon Bonaparte declared himself Emperor of France and began wars in an effort to conquer all of Europe. These wars we collectively refer to as the Napoleonic wars.

這個短語源自歐洲歷史上最著名的戰役之一:滑鐵盧戰爭。十九世紀初期,Napoleon Bonaparte在法國稱帝,並開始了企圖征服整個歐洲的戰爭。我們把這些戰爭統稱為拿破崙戰爭。

By 1815, the Napoleonic wars had almost come to an end- Napoleon had been defeated by British, Dutch, German, and other forces. The Bourbon dynasty was restored to power, and Napoleon was removed as leader of France.



Napoleon, who was respected by many European countries despite his warmongering, was allowed to keep the title of Emperor after his defeat. He was exiled to Elba, a small island off the coast of Italy, and made ruler of the island. He was allowed a personal guard of one-thousand men.


For Napoleon, this wasn』t enough. Soon after he had arrived in Elba, he urged his guards to follow him back to France. This began what is known as the Hundred Days. During the hundred days, Napoleon and his army marched into Paris and seized power back from the Bourbon dynasty, whose King fled to Belgium. Napoleon was Emperor of France once again.



To the other states of Europe, Napoleon』s comeback was dangerous and unacceptable. They feared Napoleon would start another war, so quickly grouped together to stop his return to power. They were known as the Seventh Coalition. Napoleon met the Seventh Coalition on the battlefield at the Battle of Waterloo in the Netherlands. The result was a resounding defeat. Napoleon』s forces were crushed. He was forced to abdicate and lose all of his power and titles. It had only been 111 days since he had left Elba.



After Waterloo, the countries of the Seventh Coalition agreed that to send Napoleon to Elba for a second time would be a mistake, because they did not want a repeat of the hundred days. Finally, it was decided Napoleon would be sent to St Helena, a British island in the South Atlantic Ocean. From St Helena, they surmised, Napoleon could not make another attempt at making a comeback.



Napoleon lived the rest of his days in exile on St Helena, and died shortly afterwards. During the zenith of his reign, Napoleon was the most powerful figure in Europe. Today, he is remembered as one of the most influential leaders in European history.


Whenever we reference someone』s 『Waterloo』, we are making a direct comparison to the defeat of Napoleon in 1815. It』s a useful metaphor to memorise which is used by lots of English speakers.



1. decisive 決定性的,果斷的

2. resounding 響亮的,轟動的

3. defeat 擊敗,戰勝

4. references 參考文獻,參照

5. battles 戰爭,競爭

6. declare 宣布,聲明

7. conquer 征服,攻克

8. collectively 集體地,共同地

9. restore 恢復,修復

10. warmongering 好戰的

11. exile 流放,充軍

12. guard 守衛,護衛隊

13. urge 力勸,催促

14. march 前進,行軍

15. seize 抓住,奪取

16. flee 逃走

17. comeback 恢復,復出

18. coalition 聯合,結合

19. battlefield 戰場

20. resounding 響亮的,轟動的

21. crush 壓壞,粉碎

22. abdicate 退位,放棄

23. surmise 猜測

24. zenith 頂峰,最高點

25. reign 君主統治時期,任期,統治

26. influential 有影響力的

27. metaphor 暗喻,比喻



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