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這個建築是關於「影子」的。這是一家叫「Ninja Black」的酒店。該酒店位於京都市中心,就在京都御所西側,周圍有著房屋、小商店、公寓樓和酒店。京都典型的一塊9米寬35米深的土地上建一家5層高有21個房間的小酒店。

This architecture is about 「shadow」. It』s a hotel named 「Ninja Black」.The site is located in the city center of Kyoto, just west of the Kyoto Imperial Palace, in an area populated with houses, small shops, apartment buildings, and hotels. We planned a small hotel of five floors with 21 rooms, on a plot of land typical in Kyoto, nine meters wide by 35 meters deep.




Thus, this hotel』s design concept of 「shadow」 was born: mysterious, shadowy, and silent, yet with a strong presence. The facade, with more shadow than substance, is designed to evoke the idea that a ninja could be hiding anywhere. The entire facade is covered by 「koushi」, Japanese style louvers. Eaves are also added above the first, second, and top floors, but the strong impression of the facade comes from the koushi. The entire facade is actually made with two layers of koushi, each with an alternating V-shape pattern, offset from each other by half a span, to deepen the sense of shadow.


Each individual louver is painted brown on one side, and black on the face and the other side, such that when approaching the hotel from the east, the facade appears to be brown, but as you arrive, the brown fades and the whole building appears to be black. The interior is designed around the concept of 「darkness」, as much as can be practically done for a modern hotel. Visitors experience tricks of ninja in this hotel.


For example, the floor of the lobby, right at the front desk, holds an 「otoshiana」, a deep pit with 50 sharpened spikes at the bottom. Of course, it』s covered with thick glass so that it becomes part of the flooring, but the customer will be surprised as they come across it as they prepare to check-in.

當顧客走近前台時,他們看不到任何員工……眼前只有一堵金箔牆。突然,一個忍者從「kakushi tobira」出現了,這是一扇無形的旋轉門,它打開後迅速融入牆壁,就像忍者(前台工作人員)無聲地出現一樣。「Shuriken」被裝飾地貼在旅館的牆上。忍者剪影的「Damashie」(視錯覺照片)不時會突然投射到一樓主要通道的牆上。酒店工作人員打扮成忍者。在這家旅館裡,你一定會覺得自己也是「忍者」。

As the customer approaches the front desk, they see no staff… just a solid wall of gold leaf. But suddenly, a ninja appears via a 「kakushi tobira」, an invisible swinging door that opens and melts back into the wall as quickly as the ninja (front-desk staff) silently materializes. 「Shuriken」 (throwing stars) are stuck ornamentally on the walls in the hotel.「Damashie」 (optical-illusion pictures) of ninja silhouettes are, from time to time, suddenly projected onto the wall of the main first-floor passage way. Hotel staff is dressed as ninja. You will certainly feel 「ninja」 in this hotel.






建築師:EASTERN Design Office

地點:日本 京都



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