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Big-Boned Chickens May Be Humans" Geologic Legacy

Hundreds of millions of years from now, when humans are probably long gone, what sort of geologic record will we leave behind for futurearchaeologists? Plastics, sure? Concrete, maybe? How about:

Yep, chicken. Humanity consumes some 66 billion birds a year. Billion, with a B. The mass of chickens on the Earth is so big… it beats the mass of all other birds combined.

"The numbers are astonishing." Richard Thomas is an archaeologist at the University of Leicester, who writes with his colleagues in the journal Royal Society Open Science that chicken bones could be a unique signifier of our era…known as the "Anthropocene."

Thomas says our chicken-industrial complex can be traced back to a program in the late 1940s, called the "Chicken-of-Tomorrow" program.

"They came up with this fast-growing meat chicken." Then, in the decades to come, selective breeding, gene editing, antibiotics and new types of feed and housing helped maximize chickens" weight gain even more. "The chickens of today are something like…[read more]



沒錯,雞肉。人類每年吃下約 660 億隻禽類,注意,單位是億。地球上雞的數量無比龐大……大於其他所有禽類數量的總和。「這一數據令人震驚。」理查德 · 托馬斯(Richard Thomas)是萊斯特大學( University of Leicester)的一名考古學家。他與同事合作在《皇家學會開放科學》(Royal Society Open Science)發表了文章,認為雞骨可能是我們這個時代的一個獨特象徵……而這個時代被稱為「人類世」。

托馬斯說,我們的雞肉工業聯合企業可以追溯到 20 世紀 40 年代末的一個項目,名叫「明日之雞」(Chicken-of-Tomorrow)。

「他們生產出了這種生長迅速的肉雞。」之後幾十年里,選育、基因編輯、抗生素和新型飼養有助於雞的體重不斷增加。「如今的肉雞比上世紀 50 年代的原始肉用雞重了大概……[更多]



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