首頁 > 知識 > 百餘位中國學者解讀125個「卡腦子」問題


科學的進步一直都是在圍繞發現問題、解決問題,發現新問題、解決新問題的周而復始過程不斷完成的。2005 年Science雜誌在其創刊125 周年紀念特刊中,本著向「科學」致敬的精神,由各領域專家組成的Science編委會挑選了125個挑戰全球科學界的重要前沿問題作為紀念。

這125 個問題涉及的範圍從宇宙構成、地球演化、生命興起直到人類自身。現在對這些問題,依然存在許多未知:有的有望在不久的將來得到解決,有的可能永遠得不到答案——但它們指明了科學家們前進的方向,而解決這些問題的努力也將豐富人類的知識、推動人類的進步。




《科學通報》進行了如下的追蹤與回應。2015 年《科學通報》開始陸續邀請相關領域的百餘位專家、學者對這125 個問題進行解讀。


這些解讀文章自2016 年第1 期開始陸續刊出,至2018 年,125 個問題全部解讀完畢,有些問題還約請到多位專家從不同角度解讀,共發表136 篇文章。

Q1 What is the universe made of?


Q2 What is the biological basis of consciousness?

意識與多感覺信息整合的最新研究進展 劉睿,王莉,蔣毅

Q3 Why do humans have so few genes?

人類基因知多少 劉順,屈良鵠

Q4 To what extent are genetic variations and personal health linked?

遺傳變異與人類健康 黃輝,鄧建蓮

Q5 Can the laws of physics be unified?

愛因斯坦的未竟之夢:物理規律的大統一 楊金民,王飛

Q6 How much can human life span be extended?


Q7 What controls organ regeneration?


Q8 How can a skin cell become a nerve cell?


Q9 How does a single somatic cell become a whole plant?

植物再生的研究進展 孫貝貝,劉傑,葛亞超,盛李宏,陳呂琴,胡小梅,楊仲南,黃海,徐麟

Q10 How does Earth』s interior work?

地球內部物質的運動與動力 滕吉文,宋鵬漢,張雪梅,劉有山,喬勇虎,馬學英

Q11 Are we alone in the universe?

宜居環境與地外生命 田豐

Q12 How and where did life on Earth arise?

地球生命的起源 李一良,孫思

Q13 What determines species diversity?


Q14 What genetic changes made us uniquely human?

人類獨特表型遺傳基礎的研究進展 羅鑫,張棟秦,宿兵

Q15 How are memories stored and retrieved?

記憶的動態變化:記憶的編碼、鞏固和遺忘 王英英,朱子建,吳艷紅

Q16 How did cooperative behavior evolve?

世紀科學之問「合作行為是如何進化的」——中國學者的回應 王贇,魏子晗,沈絲楚,吳斌,蔡曉紅,郭慧芳,周媛,李紓

Q17 How will big pictures emerge from a sea of biological data?

從生物大數據到知識大發現:十年進展與未來展望 張學工,江瑞,汪小我,古槿,陳挺

Q18 How far can we push chemical self-assembly?


Q19 What are the limits of conventional computing?

計算的極限 季錚鋒,夏盟佶

Q20 Can we selectively shut off immune responses?


Q21 Do deeper principles underlie quantum uncertainty and nonlocality?

量子非局域、量子糾纏及其可能揭示的新物理 陳哲,韓永建

Q22 Is an effective HIV vaccine feasible?

艾滋病疫苗的科學挑戰和應對策略 邵一鳴

艾滋病疫苗突破需要顛覆性思維 譚曙光,施一,劉軍,高福

Q23 How hot will the greenhouse world be?

溫室效應會使地球溫度上升多高?——關於平衡氣候敏感度 姜大膀,劉葉一

Q24 What can replace cheap oil and when?

石油被替代的可能性與路徑之思考 趙文智,劉合,張國生

Q25 Will Malthus continue to be wrong?

馬爾薩斯人口論仍然是錯的 曾毅

Q26 Is ours the only universe?


Q27 What drove cosmic inflation?


Q28 When and how did the first stars and galaxies form?


Q29 Where do ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays come from?


Q30 What powers quasars?

類星體的能量之謎 左文文,吳學兵

Q31 What is the nature of black holes?

黑洞的本質 蔡榮根,曹利明

Q32 Why is there more matter than antimatter?

宇宙正反物質不對稱的起源 黃髮朋,李明哲,顧佩洪,張新民

Q33 Does the proton decay?


Q34 What is the nature of gravity?


Q35 Why is time different from other dimensions?


Q36 Are there smaller building blocks than quarks?


Q37 Are neutrinos their own antiparticles?


Q38 Is there a unified theory explaining all correlated electron systems?

是否存在關聯電子體系的統一理論 李濤

Q39 What is the most powerful laser researchers can build?


Q40 Can researchers make a perfect optical lens?


Q41 Is it possible to create magnetic semiconductors that work at room temperature?


Q42 What is the pairing mechanism behind high-temperature superconductivity?

高溫超導體的電子配對機制 李濤

Q43 Can we develop a general theory of the dynamics of turbulent flows and the motion of granular materials?


Q44 Are there stable high-atomic-number elements?


是否存在穩定的高原子序數原子?——狄拉克材料中的原子塌縮現象 劉海文,王慧超,王健

Q45 Is superfluidity possible in a solid?If so,how?

受限水的超流特性 王奉超,孫長慶,吳恆安

Q46 What is the structure of water?

液態水的結構研究進展 鄧耿,尉志武

Q47 What is the nature of glassy state?

玻璃態物質的本質 張勤遠,王偉超,姜中宏

Q48 Are there limits to rational chemical synthesis?


Q49 What is the ultimate efficiency of photovoltaic cells?

太陽能電池的最終效率探討 錢志成,戴曉,史鵬,尹萬健,婁艷輝,鄒貴付

太陽能電池效率分析 魏世源,孫偉海,陳志堅,肖立新

Q50 Will fusion always be the energy source of the future?


Q51 What drives the solar magnetic cycle?


Q52 How do planets form?

行星形成 葉永烜

Q53 What causes ice ages?


Q54 What causes reversals in Earth』s magnetic field?


Q55 Whether earthquake precursors help for prediction do exist?

從「是否存在有助於預報的地震前兆」說起 馬瑾

Are there earthquake precursors that can lead to useful predictions?

「是否存在有助於預報的地震前兆」的討論 劉傑,張國民

Q56 Does life exist only on the Earth?


Q57 What is the origin of homochirality in nature?

自然界中同型手性起源的難題 何裕建

Q58 Can we predict how proteins will fold?

蛋白摺疊預測 馬彬廣

Q59 How many proteins are there in humans?

人體內有多少種蛋白質 王美林,張潤東,蘇丹

Q60 How do proteins find their partners?

蛋白質翻譯後修飾在蛋白質-蛋白質相互作用中的調控作用 侯天雲,陸小鵬,朱衛國

Q61 How many forms of cell death are there?

細胞命運之終點——細胞死亡 李容,王新文,楊曉輝,高山

Q62 What keeps intracellular traffic running smoothly?

細胞內膜系統的跨膜分子運輸 曹禹,夏瑩

Q63 What enables cellular components to copy themselves independent of DNA?

細胞器不依賴於DNA 的複製——中心體自主複製解讀 梁前進

Q64 What roles do different forms of RNA play in genome function?

非編碼RNA 研究概述 陳亮,單革

Q65 What role do telomeres and centromeres play in genome function?

端粒與著絲粒——染色體上的高度重複序列區域 樊起傅,付鈺

Q66 Why are some genomes really big and others quite compact?

淺析基因組大小的進化機制 石米娟,程瑩寅,張婉婷,夏曉勤

Q67 What is all that 「junk」 doing in our genomes?

「垃圾」DNA 的奧秘 張常,王新文,王亮,高山

Q68 How much will new technologies lower the cost of sequencing?

新技術能使DNA 測序的成本降低多少?石鐵流

Q69 How do organs and whole organisms know when to stop growing?

動物體尺寸的控制機理 馬啟旺,張婷,左為

Q70 How can genome changes other than mutations be inherited?

表觀遺傳信息的跨代傳遞 徐鵬,於文強

精子中表觀遺傳機制及環境對父源表觀遺傳影響概述 李文靜,王司清,藍斐

表觀遺傳學修飾的遺傳模式及其研究進展 沈雙,路則明,金景姬,蔡勇

Q71 How is asymmetry determined in the embryo?

哺乳動物早期胚胎第一次細胞譜系形成 聶曉慶,盧緒坤,李磊

Q72 How do limbs,fins,and faces develop and evolve?

脊椎動物附肢發育及進化機制的研究進展 祁飛燕,施鵬

高通量測序解析哺乳動物飛行進化的分子機制 王喆,張樹義



Q73 What triggers puberty?


Q74 Are stem cells at the heart of all cancers?

癌幹細胞是腫瘤生長和複發的根源 竇駿


Q75 Is cancer susceptible to immune control?

利用免疫系統控制癌症 羅燦,韓為東

Q76 Can cancers be controlled rather than cured?

抗癌持久戰:徹底治癒還是帶癌生存 韓雅婷,王璽

Q77 Is inflammation a major factor in all chronic diseases?

NLRP3 炎症小體:2型糖尿病治療的新靶點?姜華,周榮斌

Q78 How do prion diseases work?


Q79 How much do vertebrates depend on the innate immune system to fight infection?

病原體感染的天然免疫防禦效應 劉光偉

Q80 Does immunologic memory require chronic exposure to antigens?

記憶性T細胞形成與維持是否依賴於抗原刺激的相關研究進展 任甲子,李斌

Q81 Why doesn』t a pregnant woman reject her fetus?

母-胎免疫耐受研究進展 王松存,杜美蓉,李大金

Q82 What synchronizes an organism』s circadian clocks?

哺乳動物生物鐘同步化的研究進展 秦曦明,郭金虎

人體與哺乳動物的生物鐘同步機制及疾病 黃海鵬,傅肅能

Q83 How do migrating birds find their way?


Q84 Why do we sleep?


Q85 Why do we dream?

夢的奇幻與真實 郭菲,陳祉妍

Q86 Why are there critical periods for language learning?


Q87 Do pheromones influence human behavior?


Q88 How do general anesthetics work?

氯胺酮的臨床作用與機制研究進展 曹帥,王韻

Q89 What causes schizophrenia?

精神分裂症內表型 黃佳,陳楚僑

Q90 What causes autism?

孤獨譜系障礙病因研究的現況 鄭毅

Q91 To what extent can we stave off Alzheimer』s?

早期綜合干預有助延緩阿爾茨海默症的發生 赫榮喬

Q92 What is the biological basis of addiction?

腦內LTCCs在藥物成癮形成過程中的調控機制 金書博,沈芳,段穎,李鳴,隋南

Q93 Is morality hardwired into the brain?

大腦是如何建立道德觀念的:道德的認知神經機制研究進展與展望 王雲強,郭本禹

Q94 What are the limits of learning by machines?

突破通過機器進行學習的極限 史忠植

Q95 How much of personality is genetic?

人格有多少是遺傳的:已有的證據與未來的取向 周明潔,陳傑,王力,張建新

Q96 What is the biological root of sexual orientation?


Q97 Will there ever be a tree of life that systematists can agree on?


Q98 How many species are there on Earth?


Q99 What is a species?

什麼是物種:進化連續性與分類間斷性衝突的產物 盧寶榮,王哲

Q100 Why does lateral transfer occur in so many species and how?

水平基因轉移及其發生機制 黃錦嶺

Q101 Who was LUCA (the last universal common ancestor)?

共同祖先的遺傳物質、細胞特性與代謝特徵的探討 謝娟娟,王風平

Q102 How did flowers evolve?


Q103 How do plants make cell walls?

植物細胞壁研究與生物質改造利用 黃成,李來庚

Q104 How is plant growth controlled?

植物的發育:從細胞到個體 羅林傑,曾健,田朝霞,趙忠

Q105 Why aren』t all plants immune to all diseases?

植物與病原物的相互作用及協同進化 張丹丹,邱金龍

Q106 What is the basis of variation in stress tolerance in plants?

高等植物如何適應環境變化 陳凡

Q107 What caused mass extinctions?


Q108 Can we prevent extinction?


Q109 Why were some dinosaurs so large?

恐龍巨型化研究進展 徐星,趙祺

Q110 How will ecosystems respond to global warming?

生態系統對全球變暖的響應 方精雲,朱江玲,石岳

糧食作物產量對氣候變暖的響應 黃耀

Q111 How many kinds of humans coexisted in the recent past,and how did they relate?

過去十萬年里的四種人及其間的關係 吳新智,崔婭銘

Q112 What gave rise to modern human behavior?

「現代人類行為是如何形成的?」:心理學的視角 白學軍,李卉

Q113 What are the roots of human culture?


Q114 What are the evolutionary roots of language and music?

語言與音樂進化的起源 蔣存梅,張清芳

Q115 What are human races,and how did they develop?

人種及其演變 吳新智,崔婭銘

Q116 Why do some countries grow and others stagnate?

為什麼有些國家向前發展,而有些國家發展停滯 余振

Q117 What impact do large government deficits have on a country』s interest rates and economic growth rate?


Q118 Are political and economic freedom closely tied?


Q119 Why has poverty increased and life expectancy declined in sub-Saharan Africa?


Q120 Is there a simple test for determining whether an elliptic curve has an infinite number of rational solutions?

橢圓曲線的有理數解 陳亦飛

Q121 Can a Hodge cycle be written as a sum of algebraic cycles?

Hodge猜想 付保華

Q122 Will mathematicians unleash the power of the Navier-Stokes equations?


Q123 Does Poincaré』s test identify spheres in four-dimensional space?

四維光滑Poincaré猜測 鄧少雄,朱熹平

Q124 Do mathematically interesting zero-value solutions of the Riemann zeta function all have the form a bi?

黎曼ζ-函數的零點都有1/2 it的形式嗎?葛力明,薛博卿

Q125 Does the standard model of particle physics rest on solid mathematical foundations?



Science125 個前沿問題解讀

ISBN 978-7-03-058528-8

高福 主編. 北京:科學出版社,2019.05





本文整理自《Science 125個前沿問題解讀》一書「序」「目錄」;文中專欄文字整理自「那些『卡腦子』的科學問題,如今怎樣了」(張文靜.《中國科學報》, 2019-07-26 第6版)一文。




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