首頁 > 天下 > 9年沒人生齣兒子,這個村子重金懸賞



Miejsce Odrzańskie是波蘭南部的一個小村莊,靠近波蘭和捷克邊境。

沒有人知道為什麼,但Miejsce Odrzańskie的夫婦很少能生出男孩。300多名居民中的大多數都是女性,當地人說只要他們記事起就是這樣。

Via Pixabay

None have been born there in the last nine years, and the youngest one that still lives in the village is 12-years-old.


Mayor Rajmund Frischko recently told Polish reporters that after checking historical records and reviewing registered birth certificates he can confirm that rare male births are not just a recent anomaly. He has also pledged to reward the first couple to give birth to a boy.

村長Rajmund Frischko最近告訴波蘭記者,查閱歷史記錄和出生證明後,他能確定生不出男孩兒不是最近才有的現象。所以他承諾要獎勵第一對生下男孩的夫婦

He would not reveal what the reward will be,but he ensured interested couples that the「gift will be attractive」.


Via OddityCentral


Tomasz Golasz, head of the volunteer fire brigade, which is apparently also staffed mainly by women, said that he himself would like to have a son, but considering the history of the village the chances of success are very small.

Tomasz Golasz,是村裡志願消防隊的負責人。顯然這裡的消防隊員主要是女性組成。他說,自己想有一個兒子,但考慮到村莊的歷史,成功的可能性非常小。

「It has been going on for several decades,」 Golasz, the father of two daughters, said. 「I came to the village, took a local girl for my wife and we had two daughters. I would like to have a son but it』s probably unrealistic. My neighbor also tried and has two daughter. I don』t think women give birth to boys here.」


Via OddityCentral

華沙醫科大學醫學遺傳學系主任Rafa? P?oski說:要了解這個村子的性別差異,必須了解這裡的生育歷史。

「Then you should check if the girl』s parents are not related to each other, even to a very distant extent,」 P?oski added. 「The next step, conduct an accurate interview with parents and children, check the environmental conditions. Only then can some trail appear.」





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