首頁 > 健康 > 腦卒中後偏癱手術有新突破:健側頸7神經移位+患側頸神經SPR


中國卒中協會2015年首次發布的中國卒中流行報告顯示[1]目前我國每年新發腦血管病患者約270萬, 每12秒就有一人發生腦卒中, 腦卒中已經是中國居民第一位死因。腦卒中後主要的功能殘疾是偏癱,痙攣性偏癱又佔90%。腦卒中後偏癱患者經過一定時間康復治療後便處於恢復的平台期。


近日,北部戰區總醫院關靖宇教授再次完成突破,針對腦卒中後痙攣性偏癱,完成椎體後路健側頸7神經移位 患側頸神經選擇性脊神經後根切斷術(SPR)手術。患者,男,62歲,右側頂葉腦梗塞後左側肢體偏癱3年。左下肢肌力Ⅳ級,左上肢Fugl-Mryer評分7分,改良Ashworth評分(左肩2級,左肘2級,左腕2級,左指2級)。經過精心準備,手術順利完成,術後患者返回ICU病房。術後次日患者清醒,拔除氣管插管,檢查健側側上肢活動不受影響 。




北部戰區總醫院 關靖宇


1. 國家衛生計生委防治工程委員會.中國卒中流行報告2015[M].北京:中國協和醫科大學出版社, 2015.

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3. Hua XY, Qiu YQ, Li T, et al. Contralateral peripheral neurotization for hemiplegic upper extremity after central neurologic injury. Neurosurgery. 2015,76(2):187-95.

4. Xu WD, Hua XY, Zheng MX, et al. Contralateral C7 nerve root transfer in treatment of cerebral palsy in a child: case report. Microsurgery. 2011 ,31(5):404-8.

5. Guan J, Lin J, Guan X, et al.Treatment of central paralysis of the upper extremity using contralateral C7 nerve transfer via the posterior spinal route - A case report. World Neurosurgery.2019, 125(5), 228-233.

6. Mitchel Seruya. The Future of Upper Extremity Spasticity Management. Hand Clin , 2018,(34), 593–599.

7. Fukuhara T, Kamata L. Selective posterior rhizotomy for painful spasticity in the lower limbs of hemiplegic patients after stroke: report of two cases. Neurosurgery. 2004 ,54(5):1268-72; discussion 1272-3.

8. Salame K, Ouaknine GE, Rochkind S, et al. Surgical treatment of spasticity by selective posterior rhizotomy: 30 years experience. Isr Med Assoc J. 2003 ,5(8):543-6.

9. Bertelli JA, Ghizoni MF, Michels A. Brachial plexus dorsal rhizotomy in the treatment of upper-limb spasticity. J Neurosurg. 2000 ,93(1):26-32.

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11. Elsa V. Arocho-Quinones, Amie Kolimas,et al. Split laminotomy versus conventional laminotomy: postoperative outcomes in pediatric patients. J Neurosurg Pediatr, 2018,21(6):615–625,

12. Padanyi C, Vajda J, Banczerowski P. Para-split laminotomy: a rescue technique for split laminotomy approach in exploring intramedullary midline located pathologies. J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg. 2014 ,75(4):310-6.

13. Gu YD, Zhang GM, Chen DS,et al. Seventh cervical nerve root transfer from the contralateral healthy side for treatment of brachial plexus root avulsion. J Hand Surg Br 1992; 17(5): 518-21.



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