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愛潑斯坦在獄中離奇「自殺」,但他身負同謀指控的前女友、英國社交名媛希萊恩·麥克斯維爾(Ghislaine Maxwell),卻意外地出現在了洛杉磯街頭平民快餐店,邊啃著漢堡,咽著薯條,嘬著奶昔,邊埋頭閱讀一本書——關於特工的。


圖 via1buv.com


圖 viaNew York Post

Jeffrey Epstein』s former gal pal Ghislaine Maxwell isn』t holed up in her British manor or summering on the Massachusetts coast.


The Post found the socialite hiding in plain sight in the least likely place imaginable — a fast-food joint in Los Angeles.


Maxwell, 57, the alleged madam to the multimillionaire pedophile, was scarfing down a burger, fries and shake al fresco at an In-N-Out Burger on Monday while reading 「The Book of Honor: The Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives,」 a nonfiction best seller by journalist Ted Gup.


Sitting alone with a pet pooch, she was surprised to be found and told an onlooker, 「Well, I guess this is the last time I』ll be eating here!」


Jeffrey Epstein』s gal pal Ghislaine Maxwell spotted at In-N-Out Burger in first photos since his death(via New York Post)


The notorious (and, until now, elusive) socialite was reading 「The Book of Honor: the Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives,」 the source said - titillating reading matter for the woman whose ex-lover had just died under mysterious circumstances in prison while facing a 45-year sentence on child sex trafficking charges.


While the official line claims Epstein committed suicide, revelations about the circumstances surrounding his death have fed speculation that he was murdered - and renewed ongoing speculation regarding whether he was working for an intelligence agency (or agencies).


Former prosecutor Alex Acosta has claimed he was told not to pursue the Epstein case in 2007 despite a 53-page indictment and dozens of alleged victims because Epstein 「belonged to intelligence.」


Epstein madam Maxwell seen engrossed in book on "life and death of CIA operatives" at LA burger spot(via RT)

圖 viaNew York Post


作為已故英國報業大亨羅伯特·麥克斯維爾(Robert Maxwell)的女兒,希萊恩·麥克斯維爾並沒有受到任何刑事犯罪指控,但在愛潑斯坦監獄「自殺」後,她可能會成為聯邦調查局調查的對象。

圖 viaGetty Images

Ghislaine settled a defamation lawsuit in 2017 from Epstein victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who claimed the British woman recruited her when she was just 16 at Donald Trump』s Mar-a-Lago club.


Over 2000 damning pages of court documents were unsealed the day before Epstein』s death, detailing Maxwell』s alleged role in grooming and sexually abusing dozens of underage girls, including Maxwell, who says she was kept as a 『sex slave』 dedicated to pleasing Epstein and his wealthy friends.


Epstein madam Maxwell seen engrossed in book on "life and death of CIA operatives" at LA burger spot(via RT)


整合:Du Qiongfang

資料:New York Post, RT

圖/題圖:New York Post, Getty Images, 1buv.com




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