首頁 > 趣味 > 喬布斯沒死,而是隱居在埃及!疑似喬幫主的照片引發「詐死」陰謀論


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一張疑似蘋果公司創始人史蒂夫·喬布斯(Steve Jobs)的照片,周末起在網上瘋傳,引發人們對其「詐死」的陰謀論猜測。

一個名叫Ahmed Basyouney的臉書用戶,分享了一張酷似喬布斯的照片,並留言說喬布斯坐在埃及首都開羅的一家咖啡店裡。

圖 viaFacebook




The CEO of Apple died in 2011, but now people are questioning whether it was all a ruse after a lookalike was photographed in Egypt.


The grey-haired, bearded man is seen in profile sitting at an outdoor table. He is wearing glasses and a watch but no shoes, and bears a striking resemblance to the late tech billionaire.


It"s unknown when the photo was taken, but it was first uploaded to Facebook and then Reddit, where speculation about the man"s identity quickly escalated.


Believers said the man in the photograph was making the same hand-to-face gesture Jobs made in many famous photos. Others were convinced the man"s posture and haircut were similar, although he"s missing the black turtleneck and blue jeans that made up Jobs" trademark outfit.


Internet claims "Steve Jobs" spotted in Egypt eight years after death

史蒂夫·喬布斯 (左) 和照片酷似喬布斯的埃及男子 (右) 圖 via Getty / Reddit


圖 via Reddit

「I know this is supposed to be a joke, but WTF, this guy looks too much like Steve Jobs to be so random,」 read one of the top-rated comments.


Others argued that faking his death and then hiding in Egypt would totally be something that Jobs would do.


「I"m not very into conspiracy theories, but Jobs would be crazy enough to actually do it,」 one netizen quipped.


However, party-poopers soon began poking holes in the would-be airtight theory.


「Nah he』s not wearing an Apple Watch,」 an observant Reddit user noted.


Others pointed out that Jobs』 biological father was Syrian, perhaps making it more likely that men sharing similar physical attributes would be found in Mediterranean countries.


Hiding in Egypt? Internet goes bananas over PHOTO of 『Steve Jobs』 alive and well (via RT)


圖 viaReddit

Brazilian Reddit reporter TheHorseSizedDuck recently shot and uploaded a selfie to Reddit with a familiar face in the background -- what appears to be Steve Jobs being pushed in a wheelchair through the streets of a Brazilian city. The photo caption reads "Steve Jobs is in Rio de Janeiro, alive."


The man in the picture certainly looks like Jobs towards the end of his life, albeit with a neckbrace, in a wheelchair and with what at first appears to be armfulls of tattoos but upon closer inspection is just a hideous shirt. He even has the glasses!


Is that Steve Jobs, alive in Brazil? (via techtimes.com)

不過,後來照片中的男子親自否認了他是喬布斯的說法。這個長相酷似喬布斯的男子名叫Andy Hahn,生長在美國賓夕法尼亞州,後移居巴西里約熱內盧。他此前是雜誌的編輯,患有肌萎縮側索硬化(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)。

Andy Hahn(右)圖 viaFacebook

It』s now been proven that this is not — as we suspected — a photo of present-day Steve Jobs. As Valleywag recently uncovered, the man in the background of the Reddit selfie is actually Andy Hahn, a former editor of Sport Fishing magazine who suffers from ALS.


Here』s an excerpt of the message Mr. Hahn sent to Valleywag』s Sam Biddle:


「I ain』t Steve, but I am in Rio. And alive, dammit!


「That photo was taken last Sunday (August 3) afternoon when my aide Luiz and I were strolling/rolling along Avenida Atlantica in Copacabana. Some nut on a skateboard whizzed past us, and Luiz said, 『I think we were in the photo that guy just took.』


Selfie Sparks Theories That Steve Jobs Is Alive, Hiding in Brazil (via observer.com)



文:Du Qiongfang

圖/題圖:Reddit, Facebook



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