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Hello, Amituofo!


My name is Dylan Harmon. I wish to share with you my journey to Pure Land Buddhism and to find sincere faith in the deliverance of Amitabha Buddha.


I am 26 years old, live in Lake Lure, North Carolina, USA. I was born on November 29, 1992, in Lexington, South Carolina, grew up in a small southern town called Batesburg-Leesville, South Carolina, and had a blessed life. Growing up, I was never needy.


Raised and baptized in a Christian Lutheran family, I was exposed to religion at an early age. Yet, as a child, I wasn』t very interested in religion. It was never forced on me. My parents gave me the freedom to follow my own path and choose my religion in my own time.


In my heart, I always believed in an all-loving, benevolent, and compassionate higher power, but I did not know what to call him or her. I had a strong longing to find this higher power and a religion in which I could genuinely believe. Until high school, I was agnostic, not subscribing to any religion, but remained open-minded on the existence of a higher power, the afterlife, etc. I decided that I would study all religions until I found the right spiritual path for myself. At first, I studied neo-paganism and Wicca. I realized after some time that they were not for me. Then I got involved in the New Age movement and quickly realized that it wasn』t suitable as well.


By the time I graduated from high school, I had studied almost every religion, except Buddhism. For some reason, I waited until I learned every other religion before deciding to explore Buddhism. By that time, I was very discouraged because every religion had parts I agreed with, but always something I could not accept. I found many flaws, paradoxes, and contradictions within their doctrines. Also, I researched many different gods and deities, but none could equal the all-compassionate higher power I wanted to believe. I still had that longing inside. I still had not found what I was seeking.


Then I started studying Buddhism. I was instantly blown away and touched by the Buddha"s wisdom and compassion. His words spoke to me on a deep level. I began reading about Mahayana Buddhism and was quickly hooked. I believed in every word the Buddha said. Unlike with other belief systems, I did not find any flaws or contradictions within the Buddha"s teachings. They sounded very logical to me. It was instant acceptance, without any doubt.


When studying the Mahayana sutras, I came across the Infinite Life Sutra and Shakyamuni Buddha"s teachings on Amitabha Buddha and the Pure Land. At once, I knew, without a doubt, that Amitabha Buddha was the all-loving, all-compassionate higher power and Pure Land Buddhism the religion I had sought my whole life. I agreed fully and wholeheartedly with its teachings.


I fell in love with the beautiful images of the Pure Land and was touched by Amitabha"s compassionate deliverance. Even though I had not taken refuge in a Buddhist lineage, upon first reading The Infinite Life Sutra, I immediately did so with Amitabha Buddha, in my heart.


After that, I studied Pure Land Buddhism for about three years. I had not yet decided to practice Amitabha-recitation exclusively and still did recitation mixed with other Mahayana practices. During this time, I came upon the teachings of Master Huijing and was touched deeply by his words. My dear lotus brother Jingxing encouraged me to take refuge in the Shandao lineage of Master Huijing.

2019年2月13日, 在蓮友的協助下,慧凈法師傳授了我三皈依,賜法名凈諦。我也加入了北卡羅萊納州教堂山的善導凈土宗分會。

On February 13, 2019, I did so with the help of lotus fellows. Master Huijing gave me the Dharma name Jingdi. I also joined the North Carolina chapter of the Shandao lineage, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.


Since I took refuge in the Shandao lineage, abandoned mixed practices, recited Amitabha Buddha"s name exclusively and vowed to be reborn in Sukhavati (Amitabha"s Pure Land), I have noticed so many blessings and positive changes in my life.


Every day seems to be brighter and better than the day before. On the surface, everything appears the same, but underneath everything is different. My mind has been transformed and is unrecognizable compared with just a year ago. I feel like a different person. When I think of Amitabha Buddha, my mind becomes joyful and peaceful. The joy is so great and indescribable that I feel like dancing.


Even though I have not been born in the Pure Land yet, I know that I am already assured of rebirth there by the Buddha"s power, and I feel like with each new day of Amitabha-recitation that I am made anew and born again in Amitabha"s light. I can feel the warmth of Amitabha"s compassionate light shining down on me, healing me, nurturing me, purifying me, energizing me, blessing me everyday. I no longer need to rely on my own merits and feel the greatest joy as I rely wholeheartedly on the Buddha"s power to attain the great liberation.


My faith in Amitabha』s deliverance has deepened even more. I feel very blessed to be part of this beautiful tradition with many great people. Everyone has been so kind and welcoming to me. The pristine Pure Land School is the first Buddhist heritage I took refuge in. I am certain it will be my sole choice in this lifetime. The searching and longing feeling is gone. I feel completely at home in this tradition and am grateful to be a part of it.


I have made it my purpose in this life to help spread the Pure Land teachings in the West. I hope to help establish Pure Land Buddhism in America, just like it was established in China many years ago when the teachings arrived from India. I want to help make the teachings easily accessible to those who were not blessed to have been born in a Buddhist family. It is my hope that many American-born citizens will receive the Pure Land Dharma, accept Amitabha Buddha』s compassionate deliverance, and attain rebirth in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.


October 25, 2019




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