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外語兒歌 I Do!I Do!


Don"t you think

it"s a beautiful day for a wedding?

I do! I do!

Don"t you think she"s a beautiful bride

and he"s a handsome groom

standing by her side?

Oh, don"t you think so?

I do! I do!

Don"t you think

that"s a beautiful gown she is wearing?

I do! I do!

Don"t you think that"s a beautiful veil?

Oh, what a lovely day!

Like a fairy tale!

Oh, don"t you think so?

I do! I do!

The groom is lifting the veil.

Now he"s kissing the bride.

And she is kissing him, too.

And the groom said...

And the bride said...

"I do"

"I do"

Don"t you think

it"s a beautiful day for a wedding?

I do! I do!

Don"t you think she"s a beautiful bride

and he"s a handsome groom

standing by her side?

Oh, don"t you think so?

I do! I do!


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