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原創翻譯:龍騰網 翻譯:不愛睡覺的豬


MIT"s tiny rubber robo-fish is here to help save the world"s coral reefs


SoFi, the rubber fish, is controlled using a Super Nintendo controller and has been swimming among real fish in Fiji"s Rainbow Reef


Some fish are almost impossible for scientists to observe: the Greenland shark, which can live for more than 400 years, was caught on camera for the first time this month. Tracking marine animal can be complex but robotics may make getting close to them easier.


注釋:格陵蘭鯊魚亦稱睡鯊,為體型最大的鯊魚之一,以其醜陋外表與緩慢動作著稱,在北極及北大西洋海域 1200米深的地方可以看見這種鯊魚的蹤跡,往南至阿根廷與南極也都發現過這種鯊魚。格陵蘭鯊魚居住深度可達水下2000米。

The latest fish-monitoring creation is a fish-shaped rubber and plastic robot from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Called SoFi, the fish is controlled by a Super Nintendo controller and has been used to swim alongside fish in Fiji"s Rainbow Reef.


"Current robotic prototypes do not provide adequate platforms for studying marine life in their natural habitats," write adacemics from MIT"s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in a new research paper. Existing underwater robotics contain propulsion systems that "systems generate substantial turbulence" and may scare the animals they are observing, they say.


So, to get around the problems they created SoFi. "A diver can direct the fish by sending commands such as speed, turning angle, and dynamic vertical diving," they write. The computer scientists explain that their robo fish can swim without being tethered to a motor for a maximum of 40 minutes. During this time it"s possible for SoFi to dive to 18 metres. The researcher behind the work say the rubber fish is essentially a "mobile underwater observatory".


Within the silicone rubber shell there"s a buoyancy sensor, DC motor, a receiver that can talk to the controller, and a displacement pump that allows its tail to move. The motor pumps water into chambers in the robotic fish"s tail, which then force it out to move forward. There"s also a fish-eye camera that is used for capturing images and video of the robot"s surroundings.


A diver close to the artificial fish is able to control its movements using the Nintendo controller. The gamepad is housed in a oil-filled rigid outer shell, which allows it to handle the pressure of deeper water. It issues ultrasonic sounds that are read by a Raspberry Pi and then amplified so they can reach the robot.

潛水員能夠接近這條人工魚並使用任天堂控制器來控制其動作。遊戲手柄安裝在充滿油的堅硬外殼裡,這使得手柄能在深水壓力下使用。控制器發出超聲波信號,由一台Raspberry Pi迷你單板計算機讀取信號,再增強信號,這樣信號就可以被機器魚接收了。

During tests in Fiji"s coral reefs the man-made fish swam an average of 296.8m in a straight line on each dive and didn"t scare away other animals around it. Overall, six tests of the robot were completed in the Somosomo Strait in Taveuni and the diver could be around 10 metres away from where it was swimming. If the signal between the controller and the fish is lost then the creature goes into a dormant state and floats in the water.



"Multiple fish swim parallel to the robot a few centimetres below it and also pass a few centimetres in front of its lens," the researchers write. "The fish did not appear to change their swimming trajectory as SoFi approached them in these cases, suggesting that SoFi has the potential to integrate into the natural underwater environment."

研究人員寫道:「很多魚在機器魚下方几厘米處遊動,也在它的鏡頭前幾厘米處游過。」在幾次測試中,當SoFi靠近的時候,這些魚似乎並沒有改變它們的游泳軌跡。這表明SoFi已經具備融入水下自然環境的潛力。」MIT"s tiny rubber robo-fish is here to help save the world"s coral reefs


SoFi, the rubber fish, is controlled using a Super Nintendo controller and has been swimming among real fish in Fiji"s Rainbow Reef


Some fish are almost impossible for scientists to observe: the Greenland shark, which can live for more than 400 years, was caught on camera for the first time this month. Tracking marine animal can be complex but robotics may make getting close to them easier.


注釋:格陵蘭鯊魚亦稱睡鯊,為體型最大的鯊魚之一,以其醜陋外表與緩慢動作著稱,在北極及北大西洋海域 1200米深的地方可以看見這種鯊魚的蹤跡,往南至阿根廷與南極也都發現過這種鯊魚。格陵蘭鯊魚居住深度可達水下2000米。

The latest fish-monitoring creation is a fish-shaped rubber and plastic robot from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Called SoFi, the fish is controlled by a Super Nintendo controller and has been used to swim alongside fish in Fiji"s Rainbow Reef.


"Current robotic prototypes do not provide adequate platforms for studying marine life in their natural habitats," write adacemics from MIT"s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in a new research paper. Existing underwater robotics contain propulsion systems that "systems generate substantial turbulence" and may scare the animals they are observing, they say.


So, to get around the problems they created SoFi. "A diver can direct the fish by sending commands such as speed, turning angle, and dynamic vertical diving," they write. The computer scientists explain that their robo fish can swim without being tethered to a motor for a maximum of 40 minutes. During this time it"s possible for SoFi to dive to 18 metres. The researcher behind the work say the rubber fish is essentially a "mobile underwater observatory".


Within the silicone rubber shell there"s a buoyancy sensor, DC motor, a receiver that can talk to the controller, and a displacement pump that allows its tail to move. The motor pumps water into chambers in the robotic fish"s tail, which then force it out to move forward. There"s also a fish-eye camera that is used for capturing images and video of the robot"s surroundings.


A diver close to the artificial fish is able to control its movements using the Nintendo controller. The gamepad is housed in a oil-filled rigid outer shell, which allows it to handle the pressure of deeper water. It issues ultrasonic sounds that are read by a Raspberry Pi and then amplified so they can reach the robot.

潛水員能夠接近這條人工魚並使用任天堂控制器來控制其動作。遊戲手柄安裝在充滿油的堅硬外殼裡,這使得手柄能在深水壓力下使用。控制器發出超聲波信號,由一台Raspberry Pi迷你單板計算機讀取信號,再增強信號,這樣信號就可以被機器魚接收了。

During tests in Fiji"s coral reefs the man-made fish swam an average of 296.8m in a straight line on each dive and didn"t scare away other animals around it. Overall, six tests of the robot were completed in the Somosomo Strait in Taveuni and the diver could be around 10 metres away from where it was swimming. If the signal between the controller and the fish is lost then the creature goes into a dormant state and floats in the water.



"Multiple fish swim parallel to the robot a few centimetres below it and also pass a few centimetres in front of its lens," the researchers write. "The fish did not appear to change their swimming trajectory as SoFi approached them in these cases, suggesting that SoFi has the potential to integrate into the natural underwater environment."





They said it can swim with other fish but shows it swimming alone the whole time??



somebody get that fish some friends!



Sharkbait, Ooh Ha Ha!



I was waiting for something to pop out and eat it...



It"s gonna get eaten, it"s like a slow swimming baby fish.



But it probably also gives off a much different electrical signal that a real fish. Maybe nobody wants to eat the demon fish.



Those fish are probably all "WTF". We can"t even nail the subtleties of humans in robots. I bet the fish that see that thing are so freaked out. Imagine if a fish made a robotic human and claimed it could walk among men. We would be like "uhh yeah wtf is that"



Nah fish aren"t that smart.



but.. what』s the point?



Research and gathering data.



They need to get it to eat the trash we』ve dumped in the ocean



This is going to be swallowed by a larger fish. And that fish will likely die as a result.



I"ll tell you one thing, they look cool but taste horrible



Everyone』s talking about the fish, but I was fascinated by the spirally rose looking coral. What is that? It』s beautiful.



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